Chapter 6 the date

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*Tracy's POV*

Everyone went back to there rooms after being woken up by Shelby's horrified screams Harry and I went back down stairs to watch a movie. I was worried sick about Shelby, Harry must of sensed it because he kept telling me that everything was going to be okay because Niall was going to take care of her, I made a mental note to talk to her about her dream.

After about thirty minutes into taken 2 I turned to Harry, "hey do you think Niall likes Shelby?" He chuckled a little bit. "Niall is crazy about her, he insisted that I invite you and her over so he could ask her on a date" my heart sank a little when I heard that. He didn't care if I came or not he only did it because Niall told him too.

" But I was going to do it anyways because I wanted to see your beautiful face again." I blushed and looked at my hands that were laying in my lap. I felt a finger go under my chin and my head was lifted up so that i was looking into the most gorgeous green eyes that I have ever seen. 

 "You are beautiful don't ever doubt that" I smiled, I was so lost in his eyes that   I didn't even know that he was leaning towards me until he was centimeters away from my lips. My breath was hitched in my throat, BREATHE TRACY JUST BREATHE, BUT OH MY GOD HE IS SO CUTE!!!!!! When our lips touched I was shocked it was nothing like I have ever felt before. It was like I had jumped of a cliff there were butterflies going crazy in my stomach and there was a quick moving current running all over my body that started from my lips and traveled all threw my body. I had no control over my body my hands ran up his back, when my hands reached his hair I grabbed onto his brown curly locks. I pulled myself closer to his chest to the point there was no room between us. His tongue licked the bottom of my lips begging for entrance and I gladly excepted.

 As are tongues explored each others mouths his hands started running up and down my right thigh. His touch sending electric currents all threw my body making me shiver and moan ever so slightly. I broke from the kiss to catch my breath i started to kiss on his neck. Once I made it to the hollow of his neck he let out a deep groan, I had found his sweet spot. I started biting and kissing that spot. I crawled into his lap and started to grind my hips on him. His hands moving up my back finding its way to by bra straps just as he was about to undo my bra we heard someone clear there throat by the stairs. I turned to see it was Zayn, he had a smirk on his face like he had just caught a kid with there hand in the cookie jar.

"Well well well what are you guys doing down here so late, shouldn't you be sleeping?" I heard Harry chuckle next to me "well mate we are just watching a movie" he said with a cheeky smile. " I never knew snogging was a way to watch a movie. Zayn chuckled I blushed it was so embarrassing. "Well I'm going to go back to bed and I think you guys should do the same we don't want any babies being conceived tonight" he winked and with that he went back up stairs. Well that was embarrassing I said " yeah I know but I think it was totally worth it" he winked at me I giggled and snuggled into his chest we laid down, he kissed my forehead and started stroking my hair it was so soothing that I went to sleep in an instant.

********** the next day*******

*Shelby's POV*

I woke up well rested, falling asleep in Niall's arm was amazing, I laid there for I while just being in the moment, the sun on my face the sweet satin sheet , and the soft pillows next to my face. But the bed felt abnormally empty I threw my arm over to the other side of the bed, it was empty I opened my eyes, Niall wasn't there I looked around but he was no where in sight. I looked at the clock and it was 11:00 HOLY COW I'VE NEVER SLEPT IN SO LATE!!!! I threw the blankets off and made my way to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair was a rats nest on the top of my head and I had makeup down my face, ugh! poor Niall had to wake up and see me like this. I washed my face and brushed my hair and put in a messy bun on top of my head. After I was satisfied I made my way to the living room. There sat everyone watching tv, well almost everyone. "Good morning everyone, where is Niall?" " we'll good morning to you too sunshine did you have sleep well?" Tracy said as she winked at me. I blushed and looked at my feet, everyone started to snicker which made me blush even more.

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