Chapter 11 the trip

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*Shelby's POV*

"Shelby please talk to us tell us what's wrong" said Louis I took a deep breath and told them.

"There is a reason I left, not just because I wanted to see London. My step monster would hit me when he was mad, once I had to go to the hospital because I was bleeding so bad. I thought once I left everything would be okay that he wouldn't touch my sister but I was wrong, I was her guardian and I let her get hurt." I looked up to see everyone's eyes glossy, I heard Niall beside me sniffling.

"Why did you put up with that?" Asked Louis, I looked at him and felt tears start to stream down my face but I answered him

"I thought my mother loved me enough that she would stop it, but the night I left I heard her say that she never wanted me that I was a mistake, that she never loved me." I looked back at Louis and he was full on crying, he came towards me and gave me a huge. I felt Niall arms leave and be replaced by Louis, I started to cry really hard into his chest, he rubbed my back in small circles to calm me.

"We'll we need to go her if this is happening" said Liam I looked up at him, he is so sweet and caring.

"Thanks Liam but where will she stay?"I asked "with me and you" said Tracy. I smiled at all of them they are the absolute best, and someday I will repay them. I started up and looked at them as I formed a plan in my head.

"Okay so now that we know we are going to go get her how are we going to do that?" They all looked at me with smiles on there face,"love we have a private jet" said Niall. I blushed I should of known, "okay when are we leaving? I asked "as soon as I tell Paul that we are doing this" said Zayn. I smiled "okay now I need to text my sister and tell her." I said.

From Shelby

To Andi

We are coming to get you, start packing but don't make it obvious okay? Go to my room grab some of my duffle bags and pack only things you will need, I'll text you when we land, okay I love you and stay safe." After I sent the text I got off the floor and looked at all the boys I went to each of them and gave them a hug and a kiss on the check, then I went to Tracy and gave her a big hug huge, "thank you so much for this" she hugged me back and said "anytime love"

"Okay so next thing I need to tell you is that I can't take everyone with to get my sister, I mean we can all fly there but when I go I can't take everyone"

"And why not?" Said Zayn I smiled at him and said "cause we want to sneak away not scream away, and if you come we will defiantly be screaming away" he smiled but said fine, "okay go back for an over night flight, while Shelby and I go get ready" said Tracy. We all nodded in agreement said our goodbyes and left.

Tracy and I went to the house grabbed a few things and went back out where the boys waited for use we hoped in, me taking a spot next to Niall and Tracy next to Harry. The drive to the airport was really silent, I was to anxious to say anything I just kept looking out the hoping that my sister is alright.

*Andi's POV*

Once I got Shelby's text I was off I went into her room and turned on the light, her room was just the way it was when she left. I went to her closet and grabbed some duffle I stopped and took in her room all the art poetry and pictures on the walls, my heart warmed knowing that I will see her in a few hours, I went back to my room and started backing my clothes. After about six hours I got a text from Shelby she had just landed, I looked at the clock it was 9.

From Andi

To Shelby

Okay, it's still to early for you to come get me so let's meet up at midnight I'll be waiting at my window... Are you bring all of the boys???

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