Chapter 23

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*Liam's POV*

I woke up to my phone going off, I picked it up and answered,


"Hey Liam its Niall and Louis and"

"Wait why aren't you calling me off your phones?"

"Well that's what I was trying to explain to you, you see Louis and I got in trouble with the law and well... now we are in jail and we you to call Simon and bail us out." I had to stop and think for a minute, why were they in jail and well why are they in jail... that wont look good in the papers.

"Alright mate I'll get ahold of Simon and we will be there in a bit okay mate?"

"Alright see you soon" I hung up and sigh in frustration how did those too get arrested and how I'm I going to explain this to Simon. I dialed Simons number and told him the story. When I was done we agreed that only him and I would go get Niall and Louis. I rolled out of bed and got dressed.

***At the police station****

 "What were you thinking going in there?" I watched as Simon yelled at the boys

"We were just looking for Shelby's phone, we wanted to see if she was taken with it, or if she left it". Niall looked so pail and worn down, poor mate. the officer walked back in with the paper work to release Niall and Louis, he didn't look to happy about it.

"You boys are lucky you are famous and have money to get out of here or you would still be in that jail cell, my question for you is why were you there at the sense anyways?". I watched as Simon kept him mouth shut yet anger was aparent on his face. 

"We were there because we thought if Shelby had her phone on her we could somehow GPS the phone and find her or who took her. the officer pondered the thought then it looked like a light bulb went off.

"You boys are onto something, we can do that but we would have to call the phone and have someone answer it and we would need them to be on the line for at least 30 seconds to get a location. I watched as everyone was becoming excited, Niall got a little gleam in his eye, Louis looked as if the wheels in his head were turning nonstop and Simon looked a little relived knowing that we might find Shelby. 

"Alright lets go to the scanning room and get this started" we all got up and fallowed the officer down the hall and into a room that had an array of devices that all must of had a to do with finding Shelby. The officer sat down put on a pair of headphones.

"Alright boys this is what's going to happen I will hook up this device to one of your phones then you will call her".

"Ill do it" Niall grabbed the device and hooked it up to his phone then waited for further instructions.

"Alright now you will call the number if someone answers and its not Shelby try to keep them on the line for as long as you can so we can track them down okay?"

"Okay" I watched as Niall dialed her number and put the phone on speaker phone.

*****josh's POV*****

I walked out of the shed and laughed. That little slut thinking that she could get away form me and be fine I don't think so. I hopped in my car and drove back into town, as I drove I looked at Shelby's phone that was in the seat next to me. Do they know I have it, do they think I disposed of it. Ah it doesn't matter they will never find her. Not even a few seconds later her phone starts going off. I look at the caller ID and it says "my baby" I smile and answer the phone.

You dont know me (A Nial Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now