Chapter 2 catching up with old friends

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*Andrea POV*

I was on a beach with Zayn and he was teaching me how to surf which is kind of weird because he doesn't know how to swim. I was having a good time then Shelby popped out of nowhere she kept saying all these weird things about how I'm beautiful and can Accomplish anything and I just had to ask so can I marry Zayn, she laughed and said yes of course and just like she was gone .

Then the sense changed I was in a beautiful wedding dress and was walking down the isle and there was Zayn standing where the groom is suppose to stand and I started freaking out in my mind " OMG IM MARRING ZAYN FREAKING MALIK!!!!!" I was excited that I started jumping around and the floor below me opened up and I was falling. I woke up with a thud I had fallen off the bed, I tried to get up and walk but my legs where all tangled up in my blanket.

After I got out of that mess I got up and went to Shelby's room, yet she wasn't there. I didn't think anything of it so I went and got a bowl of cereal. Mom and step monster where at work and Shelby was god knows where she usually wakes up early and goes for walks to clear her mind and after last night I knew she was going to be on a long one. 

After about an hour of watching T.V. I looked at the clock and it was 2, I was getting worried so I called Shelby. After a few rings she finally answered "woods funeral home you stab them we slab them how may I help you?" I laughed and said " you know that is so old you should of said Shelby's sperm bank you jack it we pack it" we laughed for what seemed forever I finally managed to checkout what sounded like a where are you? That's when Shelby got quiet..... " Andi I'm in London"

I had to remind myself to breath my mind was racing a mile a minute. Why is she there how could she leave me what is step monster going to do when he finds out??? Shelby's voice brought me back to reality. " I'm so sorry Andi I just couldn't take it anyone I had to leave but I promise I will be back and I'll keep in touch I promise." Okay was all I managed to say, I felt hot tears going down my face but I am a master at not letting it show. We talked a little more then said our good byes. I was so shocked that I just let my tears fall silently down my face.

*Shelby's POV*

After being and a stuffy plane for six hours going from America to London I finally landed. After I got my luggage I went outside and sat on a bench I looked around and took in all the lovely sites. My phone started to ring and I saw it was Andi I took a deep breath and answered. After our little chit chat I went to the nearest coffee house and ordered a Carmel Mankato and a cinnamon roll.

After about an hour I called the only person that I knew that lived in London...... Tracy. Tracy came to my school as a foreign exchange student. Her and I became best friends after the first week when Hannah (the school slut) was making fun of her and I stood up for her. After we talked she said that it was okay for me to come and live with her, so I told her where I was and she would be there in 20 minutes. I was getting up to get some water when I was ran over, moments later a hoard of screaming girls came running by outside of the shop. I felt a prickly filling behind my eyes because I had hit the same spot where my head made contact with the counter last night. I took a few deep breaths and calmed down. A hand was placed in front of me and a very deep voice kept asking if I was okay and that he was so sorry for running into me like that.

I took the hand and was hoisted to my feet after I dusted myself off and looked at the boy who had just ran me over like a wild rhino. My mouth dropped to the floor I swear I could taste the dirt. ( yuck) all I could say was h-h-ha-Harry Styles. He smiled at me " well since you know my name may I ask you what yours may be?"


The lads and I had just landed in London, it was nice to be home finally. We had just finished touring in America and now we had three months no just relax. The boys and I had just gotten outside when we heard "OMG IS THAT HARRY STYLES..... AHHHHHH IT IS AND THERE IS NIAL, LIAM. ZAYN, AND LOUIS..... WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!" Before they could reach us we ran in different directions.

I ran a fast a I could into a coffee shop, as I made my way in I ran into this small figure and we both fell on the floor. I felt horrible and tried to help her up.

When she looked at me her jaw dropped "h-h-ha-Harry Styles... I mentally had to laugh its pretty comical when u meet fans. I finally said " well since you know my name may I ask you what yours may be?" After a few seconds she finally said " my name is Shelby" she extended her and but I laughed and pulled her into a hug. She giggled a little which made me smile. " are you alright?" " yeah... Well kind of I have a serious headache now but that's not your fault I was pushed into I mean I fell and hit my head." I got a little concerned but she made it seem like it was nothing. Just then she turned her head and smiled at a girl that had just walked in.

*Shelby's POV*

Tracy!!!! I smiled as my best friend walks in "Shelby! How are you?... Who is this?" She had a smirk on her face which made mentally giggle" I'm fine and this is Harry Styles" Tracy just smiled and shook his hand " nice to met you" she said with a smile. Then she turned to me " you ready to go?" "Yeah!... It was nice meeting you Harry but I think we should get..... HARRY!!!!! I turned to see four boys running into the shop.... All I could think was omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG IT'S ONE DIRECTION!!!!!

As the boys come closer they noticed Tracy and me. "hey Harry who are these to lovely ladies" Nial said I started to blush like crazy I always thought Nial was so cute but I played it cool or so I thought.

Hey lads I would like you to meet Tracy and Shelby. Girls this is Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Niall. The boys came around saying hello and gave us both hugs when Niall finally reached me I started to blush and so did he... What Shelby why are you blushing you know what happens when you get close to boys, oh wait what are you saying you never get close to boys not since.... NO don't even think about it it only hurts when you do.

Niall's and my hug lasted a little longer than usual but I'm sure he didn't think anything of it. " you ready to go Shelby?" " yeah Tracy I'm ready to go... It was nice to meet you boys but we should get going." " WAIT WE ARE NOT BOYS WE ARE MEN" Louis yelled. Oh my bad I laughed " it was nice meeting you men *cough boys cough*" everyone laughed but Louis he just pouted and started mumbling under his breath but you could tell he was just joking.

Well see you guys around I said to them. As I was about to walk out Harry said " wait would you too like to hang out with us sometime if your not busy?" I looked at Tracy how was blushing like crazy, I turned back to Harry and said "yeah" so we exchanged numbers said goodbye and left.

A/N so what do you guys think????? comment favorite, like, all that good jazz.

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