Chapter 7 the beach

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*Niall's POV*

Tonight was amazing I was literally on cloud nine after our date. As I walked in the house I was jumped by the lads,"how was it" "did you ask her out" "did you kiss you" "did you do it?"I was in utter shock, I started blankly at them my mouth hanging open slightly. I wasn't sure how to respond to all the lads questions. I felt as if I was being interrogated. I rubbed the back up my neck trying to think of what to say, finally decided the truth. I have no reason to lie to my bandmates they were like brothers to me.

"we didn't even kiss" I whispered they all looked at me with there mouth a gaped. "Well she fell asleep in my arms and I had to carry her up to her room."

"Awwwwwwwww" they all said making me, I shrugged not know how to respond to their responce. "You really like her don't you mate" asked Zayn, "yeah I really do I just don't know how she feels about me, I hope she feels the same about me to." I was rambling at this point so I snapped my mouth shut.

"Well mate why don't ask her to come over tomorrow so you guys can hang then you can get to know her." Before I could response Harry piped in "Oh and tell her to bring Tracy!!!!" We all laughed "Harry do you fancy Tracy?" He blushed deeply, "oh speaking of Tracy and Harry I walked in on them while things where getting heated on the couch last night. We all laughed as Harry gave a cheeky smile. "Pumpkin why on the couch that's where everyone sits!" Louis said making us all laugh even harder. After a few minutes we caught are breath,"we'll I think I'm going to go to bed." I said as I tried to stifle a yawn, the lads said goodnight as a went up the stairs into my room.

I stripped down to my boxers and crawl into bed, my eyes started to get heavy and I went to sleep with Shelby on my mind.

************the next morning*****************

I woke up with a smile on my face last night was amazing, I looked at my phone it was 10. I decided to text Shelby and invite her and Tracy over.

*From Niall

*To Shelby

Hey I was wondering if you would like to come over today and maybe go to the beach?"

After I sent that I went and took a shower. After about 20 minutes I decided to get out, before i got dressed i checked my phone and i had a text from Shelby.

*From Shelby

*To Niall

Hey good morning and yes we would love to go to the beach, be there at noon?

*From Niall

*To Shelby

Awesome sounds great!!!! See you soon :)

I got dressed in my swim trunks and go wake the boys. I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a pan and a wooden spoon I started banging them together and running all around up stairs and into the lads rooms while screaming "IT'S TIME TO GET UP!!!! " I ran into the rooms on the lads and watched as each one practically jumped out of there skins. I went back to the kitchen put the pan and spoon away got out a bowl and pored myself of cereal. After a few seconds the lads came walking in single file mumbling under there breaths.

"Come on you lazy bums go get ready the girls will be here soon to go to the beach." Harry's head snapped up with a huge grin on his face, well you heard him lad lets go get ready!"

"What when are they going to be here?" Asked Zayn, I looked at the clock it was eleven, " in about an hour" they all scurried out of the kitchen while I sat there smirking and started in my second bowl. After about 45 minutes they all came down now all we have to go is wait for the girls.

You dont know me (A Nial Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now