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•Chapter Twenty-Two•

The trek back from the dungeons was an awkward one to say the least. Loki stayed directly beside me the entire time, hovering as if we were going to get separated again. Which, honestly, was a possibility, seeing Odin's view on the whole situation—but I was trying not to think about that.

Our next stop was checking on Darcy. Thor explained that she was being treated in a different medical wing that I had been held. He had already been there and seen her and he was desperate to return to Jane on Earth. He excused himself, baring farewell to his mother before disappearing down the hall. Loki's eyes bored into the God of Thunder's back his entire departure.

"Give him leniency, he fought for your release." Frigga mused softly as she spotted her youngest son's gaze. Loki's shoulders went rigid.

"Is his involvement of containing me, just forgiven?" He snapped back, his emerald gaze flicking to his mother. Frigga pursed her lips, approached him and placed her hand on his arm.

"Your brother," Frigga paused for a moment at the sight of Loki's disgusted look, "fully regrets his actions. He spoke with me the moment he was able too; he wishes beyond anything to have changed his actions. Perhaps you know what he is going through?"

Loki went silent, probably realizing the truth behind her words, "perhaps."

"Should we go see Darcy?"  I asked meekly, trying to break the tension.  Frigga and Loki looked at me, the former giving me a wide smile.

"That would be a splendid idea," she chirped, setting her hand back on Loki's arm, "let us go."


The bridge was quiet—for once—and at least for now, the Avengers were free from the Director's booming voice.  Though that didn't mean that they were free from their own thoughts.  Each and every one of the Avengers were expressing their concerns in their own ways over were Thor was.  Where Lorien was.

According to Jane, Thor was suppose to return within a day's time to figure out were they were taking Lorien and Loki.  And it had been nearly two days—Thor was quite late.

"I'm worried."  Tony murmured softly under his breath—though he had only spoken to the girl for less then five minutes, from the amount of which he had heard about her—he had grown quite fond of her.  As a matter of a fact, so had the rest of the Avengers that were present.

"I think we can all agree to that, Tony." Natasha commented snidely, re-shuffling the deck of cards in her hands. Had the situation been any lighter, Tony would've probably fainted from shock when the assassin had first pulled the deck out. She had been playing war with Clint for the past hour—her way of dealing with everything, Tony assumed.

Jane—who had been quiet for the majority of the time—nodded softly in agree, still playing with her hands. She couldn't help but to agree—not only was she extremely worried for Thor and Darcy, she couldn't stop the dread running through her thoughts that something very bad might have happened to Lorien.

As if all of their silent prayers had been answered and the bridge doors suddenly swung open. All the inhabitants of the room turned to the commotion but Jane was on her feet in seconds.

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