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•Chapter Five•
Into the Woods


Loki stood up quickly—ignoring the sting in his back from being slammed into a wall.  The blast may have thrown him back, but it didn't nearly effect him as much as it had Fury.  The S.H.I.E.L.D director was unconscious and bleeding from a cut on his forehead.

Loki was already on his feet when the young girl fell to the ground.  The same girl that Fury had claimed to be his sister.  How is that even remotely possible?  Loki thought to himself.  He had killed Laufey hadn't he?  But what of his biological mother?

The sound of yelling voices shook him out of his thoughts.  He didn't have much time before others would come across him—most likely blaming him for the girl and director's unconsciousness. 

He could just run but he was curious.  This Lorien, was differently not human—his sister or not.  Loki sighed and approached the the fallen girl, quickly lifting her into his arms.  She was light, almost like lifting a cat—she was also small like one.  Like him when he was younger but that wasn't the only comparison.

Lorien's head was covered with the same raven black hair as himself and the same pale skin.  Was it possible?

"Loki, put the girl down." Loki spun at the voice, his gaze landing on the red-headed assassin. One of her guns was trained in him.

That won't hurt me. Loki chuckled softly in his head before he was surrounded by green mist.



My eyelids shot open and I sucked in a breath of air.  I shielded my eyes from a blinding light above me and it wasn't until I sat up, did I realize that it was the sun.

My head swung back and forth, taking in my surroundings.  I was completely surrounded by hundreds of massive evergreens.  Where the heck am I?

I stood up—my hands brushing against the soft orange and brown pine needles that I was sitting on. I looked around again but this time my gaze landed on a figure sitting by a fire.  He was a good distance away from me, but I could still tell who he was.

He was still clad in the green and black robes he arrived in and his long, raven black hair was unmistakable.  The man who sat beside the fire, was definitely Loki.

I debated running but that thought quickly dissipated. I had absolutely no idea where I was. I could be in freaking Canada for all I know. My only option was to approach him.

I started towards him—careful not to step on any twigs and only on the bed of dead pine needles. I hadn't made it a yard when Loki's head lifted. I could see him sigh before he called out.

"Lorien, I can hear you." He turned to face me, standing in the process. I froze mid step—feeling like a deer in headlights.

"Do not fret, I do not intend on hurting you."  Loki explained, raising his hands so I could see both of them.  I stumbled back a step.

"How do I know that you're not lying to me?"  I shot back—letting my eyes narrow in suspicion.  Loki chuckled.

"If I was planning on harming you, you would already be dead."  Loki snapped sharply, his words cutting the air like knives—obviously getting annoyed.

"I thought you said that you would never harm or kill a child." I smirked as I spoke. Loki sighed in annoyance, probably remembering what he told Fury.

"Are all Midgardian children so obnoxious?" He growled. I sent him a smirk as I crossed my arms.

"Well its your fault for kidnapping a teenager."

"I do not believe that taking my sibling, is considered kidnapping." Loki argued, stalking closer.

"Taking someone against their will to an undisclosed location, sounds like a kidnapping to me." I paused, "That brings me to my next question. Where are we anyway?" Whether or not it showed, I was still terrified by Loki. So standing there having a some-what decent conversation with him was odd.

Loki never did respond, he just stood there staring at me. I raised my eye brows before uncrossing my arms.

"What? I just asked where we were." Loki's hands twitched.

"Unless you don't know where we are." I mused, a sly smirk sneaking across my face. Mr. Power Hungry wasn't all so great.

"I know exactly where we are."

"Really? Then what is the name of our location?" I challenged. Loki pursed his lips and his eyes grew dark again.

"I don't have enough energy to teleport us again." He admitted shamefully. "Until then, I do not know our location."

"Ha! I just called out the God of Lies!" I cheered, punching the sky with my right hand. A spike of pain shot down my arm from the movement. I yelped and pulled my hand to my chest, I guess this is what happens when you punch an immortal in the face.

"I believe you deserved that." Loki chucked—amused—before approaching my side. I tried to back away from him but he caught my wrist. Stuck in an almost Deja-vu situation, I tried to pull away again.

"Will you please stop your squirming, your hand is broken." Loki scolded, still staring down at me with his cold, green eyes. His gaze always seemed to be like that—cold, calculating and observant.

"Well I wish your face was worse then my hand but obviously that can't ever happen." I sneered when I noticed that the place where I punched him, never even bruised.

Yet again, Loki ignored my comment. Instead he lifted his other his other hand and waved it over mine. His palm and fingers began glowing a deep green—like they had on the Heli-Carrier—as he did this. Once he finished, his hands dropped back down to his sides.

"Your hand should be healed now." Loki explained, his words clipped.

I carefully wiggled my fingers and my eyes lit up when I discovered that my hand no longer hurt. I looked up to say thank you, but he had already turned his back to me.

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