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•Chapter Twelve•
Night Terrors


A scream pierced through the darkness and Loki bolted up from his bed.  The God was on his feet and half-way to Lorien's room by the time the second scream rang through the sleeping house.

Loki shoved open the door to his sister's room and found her tossing back and forth on her bed.  Her hands were balled together, clenching the bed sheets and sweat poured from her paled skin.  She screamed again and Loki was at her side it seconds.

"Lorien."  He murmured softly, placing his hand on her shoulder to gently shake her awake.  Loki had barely touched her before Lorien shot straight up.  Tears pouring from her eyes and her face distraught.  She shoved away from him blindly, his form blurry through her tears and the darkness.  A frightened cry left her lips when Loki's hands clamped down her arms to keep her from trying to hit him.

"Lorien, it's me."  Loki repeated, recognition filled Lorien's eyes.  She stopped screaming and her eyes began to water even more.

"Loki," she whimpered before throwing her arms around him—fearfully sobbing in his shoulder.  Loki—surprised at her action—wrapped his own arms around her.

"Hush, little one."  Loki cooed, smoothing down her wild hair with his hand. 

The sound of footsteps alerted Loki's attention and his eyes flickered up to see Jane and Darcy standing in the doorway.  Both of their tired eyes filled with worry.

"She had a nightmare."  He explained quickly, turning his attention back to his crying sister.  Lorien was still shaking and whimpering something that he couldn't hear. 

She didn't simply have a nightmare, she had a vision. 



Everything was dark, everything except for Loki.  He stood across the darkness from me—maybe nine or ten feet.  He stared straight forward, almost as if I wasn't there.

I tried approaching him but I realized I couldn't move.  It was like the darkness was keeping me tethered to my spot, I couldn't even blink my eyes.  Dread filled my stomach.  A sickening sinking feeling that something horrible was about to occur.

A loud scrapping noise met my ears and my eyes widened in horror as I watched a towering figure began to manifest behind Loki.  It stood nearly seven foot high and skin the color smoke.  A crude, metal mask covered a majority of it face besides its mouth and eyes.  The creature's mouth was wide and filled with sharp, saliva dripping teeth.  And clasped between it's clawed fingers was a long, silver sword. 

My heart leapt to my throat—I knew what this creature was. 

A Chituari.

It's sword scrapped along the almost non-existing floor as the beast dragged it beside him.  He stopped directly behind Loki, letting a deep, animalistic growl escape his stout throat. 

My blood pounded in my ears as the Chituari began to raise it's sword and a scream bubbled up into my chest.  Loki didn't know what was behind him.

I cried out to warn him, but silence met my ears.  I tried again as tears started to streak down my cheeks. 

Nothing happened.  Nothing but deafening silence as the Chituari drew his sword back.  Nothing I could do would warn him of the beast standing behind him. 

Nothing but my own scream as the Chituari thrusted the silver blade through Loki's chest.


It didn't matter how many times Loki murmured to me that it was going to be okay, I couldn't stop crying.  The nightmare continued to replay it's self, I couldn't get the memory of Loki's life-less eyes out of my head.

"Lorien."  Loki murmured softly, gently unwrapping his arms so that he could look me in the eyes.  He cupped the sides of my head with his hand, using the pad of his thumb to wipe away another tear that was slipping down my cheek.  "Tell me what happened."

I whimpered, almost looking away, "I-I d-don't........I don't w-want to."

"You know," Loki began, "they say that if you speak of your nightmare to someone, it will cease to exist."

"I-it felt s-so real."  I whispered almost incoherently, squeezing my eyes shut.  I couldn't block out the memories.

"Lorien, please.  I can't help you if you don't tell me."

I reopened my eyes and looked up at Loki.  Concern had laced his words and his face was a mask of worry. 

"You died." 

Loki's brows furled and his head tilted to the side.

I sucked in a ragged breath, "you died and there was nothing I could do.  I c-couldn't move, I couldn't even s-scream.  I was completely frozen."

I couldn't stop the tears rushing down my face.  My lip trembled as I finished.

"Nothing I could have done would have stopped the Chituari."

I shuddered before moving to hug Loki again.  He let me but I could tell that he was trying to figure out how I knew what a Chituari was and how to calm me down.  We stayed like that for several minutes before he yet again pulled back.

"Lorien," Loki whispered again, "look at me." 

I unwillingly looked up at him.

"It was nothing but a dream, little one."  He cooed softly, brushing the hair out of my face. 

I shook my head, "I-it f-felt so r-real."

"And perhaps it did, but do not let that trouble you.  A dream may present aspects that hold true, but they are not prophecy.  They are the mind's puzzle, there is no reason to fear them in the physical world."  Loki spoke softly and his tone was steady; but still, there seemed to be something underlying it.

"Now, Lorien.  I want you to attempt to fall back asleep," he began gently.  I felt panic rush through me, I couldn't sleep again.  Loki must have read the fear on my face because he spoke again.

"I will stay right here if that will ease your fear."  Loki explained, motioning to his spot perched at the end of my bed.  Through unrelenting tears, I nodded my head yes.

"Very well."  He mused as I attempted to curl back up under my blankets.  I balled my fists and pulled my knees to my chest, still staring at the end of my bed.  Loki gave me a curt nod and I closed my eyes.

And I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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