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•Chapter Seventeen•
Chituari Screw Everything Up

By the time the movie finished, I decided that I agreed with Darcy.  Maybe showing Loki Frozen, was a bad idea.

The God of Mischief had been asking questions the entire time.  Ranging from; why did this happened, to, how exactly was snow talking.  And then there was the matter of him nearly losing his head when Hans betrayed Anna.

We were seconds from needing to buy Jane a new t.v., if that gives you an idea of what happened.

After that chaos, we cleaned the living room and I helped Darcy clean up the kitchen.  Loki, who I thought would totally reject the idea, actually helped as well.  The task that would have probably taken a half an hour, now only took ten minutes and we were back to chilling on the couch.  Well, me and Darcy.  Loki had excused himself from the room the moment we finished in the kitchen. 

We didn't really mind though, gave us time to talk. But I quickly decided that that was a bad idea as well.

"Do you think they'll help us?"  I murmured once the room was quiet.  Darcy looked up from one of the books she had bought.

"Which they?  Asgard or your dad?" 

I pursed my lips.  I had no doubt that my dad would agree to help me—but not Loki.  He'd never agree to help Loki and I didn't want his help anyway.  He lied to me, what's to stop him from doing it again? 


"Figured you'd say that."  Darcy mused, sounding awfully mature rather then the light, joking vibe that I normally associated with her.

"Why do you say that?"  I questioned.

"You haven't talked about your dad much, something tells me you're upset with him." 

I frowned and pulled my knees to my chest, "when did you become a psychiatrist?"

Darcy shrugged, putting her book down. "Now."

I let out a sighed, releasing my legs and falling back against the couch. If she wanted to play psychiatrist, at least let me do the stereotypical lying down thing.

"He lied to me." I sneered, turning my head to look at Darcy. "He told me that I didn't have any family left, told me that he adopted me because he was friends with my parents before they passed and he thought of me like a daughter."

I let out another sigh, feeling my chest start to become heavy. I was going to cry if I didn't stop talking.

"And as it turns out, yes, I do have family. I have a brother. And that thing about my parents? A lie too. He adopted me because an Asgardian God, asked him too." I was crying now. Huge, warm tears streamed down my cheeks and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Lorien." Darcy whispered softly, drawing my attention to her. I bit my lip and willed myself to look at her again. She had moved closer and was holding her hand out to me. I hesitantly took it.

"Sometimes I think parents do and say things, that, at the time seems like the best way of handling the situation. Whether that was the best way or not is always up there for debate, but beyond that," Darcy paused, gently squeezing my hand. "Is the fact that they were trying to protect you, in the best way they knew how to at the time."

Darcy stopped again, a sigh escaping her lips. "Now I'm not saying that what your dad told you was right, but he told you that because he thought he was protecting you. He was protecting you because he loves you."

I bit my lip again, feeling a sob rise up in my throat.  I turned my head away from Darcy before sitting up.  I stood up and pushed away her hand.

"Well, I hope you're right," I sighed sadly, turning to head towards my room, "I'm going to bed."


Loki will die.  There is no one in all of nine realms that will be able to stop me.  Your brother will perish.

I shot straight up from my bed, a scream bubbling up in my throat and sweat pouring from my forehead.  It was just a dream.....

I buried my head into my hands, drawing my knees up to my chest.  I sucked in a deep breath, trying to get the dark, raspy voice out of my head.  The voice's threat kept replaying in my head—Loki will die.

Was this Thanos really going to try and kill my brother?  I shook my head, stretching my legs back out.  No, he wouldn't.  Once we get the help we need, Loki will be perfectly fine.  Thanos wanted me to freaked out and on edge, I just need to go back sleep.

Still, in the back of my head, I didn't believe that; but I laid back down anyway. 

I curled back under my blanket and got comfortable.  I closed my eyes, ready to fall back asleep.


My eyes flashed back open and I went completely still—listening for another noise.  It's just an old house, Lorien....

My bottom lip found it's way between my teeth when the floorboards at the end of my bed, creaked again.  Something was in my room. 

Quietly, I started slowly inching my hand towards my dresser.  If I could just switch the lamp on. 

I almost whimpered when I sound like nails, scraping against the floor hit my ears.  I bit down on my lip harder, nearly drawing blood as I continued to reach for the light.  My arm was inches too short, I was going to need to sit up.

I started to slowly push myself up, trying not to make a noise.  Once I was up, I reached for the light again.  This time, my hand wrapped around the chain for the light and I mentally counted down.  1...2...3...

I yanked down on the chain and my room was floored with yellow light.  I instantly pulled my hand back to my chest and searched my room wildly for the source of the noise.

When my eyes landed on the answer and my blood went cold.  Standing at the end of my bed, standing so tall it's head almost hit the ceiling; was a Chituari. 

It was just as terrifying as it was in my nightmare.  With it's inhumanly ash skin and bared teeth.  It's talons were hooked on the end of my bed, digging into the soft wood.  That would have been my leg.

The Chituari suddenly cocked it's head and I flinched in fear, attempting to crawl across my bed.  The creature let out a annoyed growled before swiping it's clawed hand at my leg. 

I panicked again, falling off my bed.  The Chituari instantly began rounding my bed and I kept backing up.  It carried a long, silver sword in it's free hand and the Chituari rose it as it walked.

My back hit a wall.

I had been so focused on the Chituari's bloodthirsty onyx eyes that I didn't realize that I had backed myself into a corner.  I am so screwed.

"Please," I whimpered, trying to make myself smaller.  My blood was pounding in my ears and my heart was thumping uncontrollably out of my chest.

The Chituari growled again, this time much louder.  The sound rumbled and vibrated from it's throat, echoing throughout the room like rolling thunder.  My mouth opened in fear and the Chituari continued to raise his sword.

He drew it up above his head and I screamed louder then I had ever in my entire life.

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