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•Chapter Seven•


Loki had teleported the both of them again—using most of his strength to do so.  When his feet hit the scolding New Mexico sand, he almost doubled over.   Fearing he would drop Lorien, Loki quickly headed towards the small town in the distance—with one building in mind.

Loki had made this decision when he realized that he could not completely heal Lorien if the pieces of bullet was still stuck in her skin. A strong feeling had came over him—telling him that Lorien was indeed his younger sibling.

And he would risk getting caught if that meant Lorien would live.



"Sir, we have a reported sighting of Loki and Lorien." Maria Hill called out as she crossed the bridge towards the Director.

"Where?"  He demanded, turning in her direction.  The female agent crossed her arm before responding.

"Police scanners in Oregon area are indicating a shooting on one of the back roads.  A man called in claiming that he saw an adult male and a young female walking along the road.  The girl was yelling and trying to get his attention, he believed that she was being kidnapped.  He then pursued to threaten the man with a gun he had in his truck.  He believes he may have shot the girl."  Fury's hands balled into fists.

"Just find her."



Loki made it to the building's glass doors within minutes and preceded to throw them open—startling the inhabitants.

Jane Foster jumped out of shock, spinning towards the doors.  Her eyes widening with fear at the sight in front of her.  She started to back away when Loki spoke.

"Please no do call the Avengers.  I will not harm you, I only ask for your assistance."  Loki pleaded, briefly glancing down at Lorien in his arms.  Jane followed his gaze and covered her mouth in surprise.

"My gosh."  She muttered under her breath.

"Help her."  Loki almost begged, feeling his strength diminishing.

"Darcy!"  Jane called out, "Get out here and bring the medical supplies."  Loki heard a thump in response before he watched Darcy slide into the room and freeze.

"J-Jane?"  She stammered, hugging the box of medical supplies closer to her chest.

"Bring her over here."  Jane ordered as she cleared off a metal table.  Loki quickly laid Lorien down where he was told before taking a step back.

"What happened?"  Jane asked once she had ripped the medical supplies from Darcy's frozen hands.  Loki opened his mouth to answer but another beat him to it.

"She was shot in Oregon."  A man answered from behind Darcy.

"Erik?"  Jane questioned as the elder scientist walked out into the room.

"S.H.I.E.L.D called, told me that Loki kidnapped her.  Lorien is the girl's name, Fury's adopted daughter."  Erik explained quickly. Jane shot a glare at Loki.

"You kidnapped her?!" She thundered, Loki's hands balled into fists.

"Did they not tell you her relation to me?" Loki growled, staring at the older scientist. Erik didn't shake his head no, causing Jane to switch her gaze.

"What is he talking about?" She demanded, Erik only sighed before answering.

"Lorien is Loki's biological sister." Jane's eyes widened, "What?" Came her stammered response.

"A year before the Manhattan Incident, Odin sent down a baby girl, claiming her to be Loki's younger sibling. He didn't want history to repeat it's self so he sent he to Fury to be raised on Earth." Erik explained, the last sentence directed at Loki.

A cry of pain suddenly drew everyone's attentions back to the current situation. Lorien had woken up—screaming and crying out from pain.

Loki quickly raced across the room to Lorien's side, grabbing her hand in attempts to calm her. Jane reached for the medical supplies, returning to Lorien's side with a syringe in her hand. Jane gently emoted it's contents into Lorien's arm and waited until she stopped screaming.

"L-Loki?" Lorien whimpered, seeing him beside her.

"W-where are we?" She whispered before the shot that Jane had given her kicked in. Lorien's head slowly fell to the side, her eyes yet again shutting.  Jane did not hesitate—carefully lifting the shirt off of Lorien's stomach.

"Darcy, get over here."  Jane ordered, and Darcy unwillingly unfroze to help her.

Loki watched the pair work, his hands tightly clasped behind his back.  He couldn't help but think that it was his fault that Lorien was hurt.  If he hadn't taken her, it would never had happened.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Erik staring at him.  A brief feeling of regret fell over Loki before he turned to face the man.  The feeling was gone just as quick as it had came.  Besides, what's the point if you couldn't control what had happened?

Erik motioned his head towards the hallway and Loki felt that he was at least obligated to listen to what the man had to say.  He followed him down the hallway until Erik turned.  The next thing Loki knew, he was reeling back from the force of Erik's fist.  Loki clenched his jaw to keep from retaliating, as he straightened back up.

"I can never express just how much I hate you."  Erik hissed, cradling his fist.

"I swear, if you try anything, I will personally kill you."  He growled before walking away.  Loki sighed and leaned against the wall.


Jane finished quickly, calling Loki back into the room.  He was back beside Lorien within seconds, one of his hands hovering over her wounds.

His hand began to glow a vibrant green as his magic worked.  The bullet wounds slowly healing, only leaving tiny, light pink scars.

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