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•Chapter Thirty-Six
Come Hell or High Water

A wave of confusion and utter, paralyzing fear washed over me as I stumbled back. The slender form of a familiar woman standing between me and the way out.

"Well, well, well; who do we have here?" The woman purred, her bright green eyes glinting maliciously. My mouth went dry and I went still—it was the woman from Asgard.

Her locks no longer flowed brown, but rather gold and it seemed she had grown several inches. But I still recognized her voice—still recognized the uneasy feeling I got from her.

"Amora, stay away from her!" Loki's growl ripped down the corridor but the woman only laughed. He knew her?

The woman—Amora—swaggered a step closer, encasing her hip with her silver coated nails. The metallic tang in the air radiated from her.

"I just wanted to see the darling I've heard so much about," she cooed, almost innocently. She carelessly flicked her bony wrist towards my brother and I watched horrified as a stream of yellowish green magic slammed into his face. His head collided with the wall behind it and the aura of Amora's magic covered Loki's mouth.

"Finally, some quiet." Amora giggled, turning her wicked gaze back to me. I nearly gulped as she closed the distance between us.

"Men are so loud, don't you think?" She cooed. She took a strain of my hair and rubbed it between her fingers. Her head cocked as she let out a little hum. "Cat got your tongue?"

My voice betrayed me, staying trapped in my throat.

Amora huffed, dropping my hair, "very well."

She took a step back, moving to circle around me—looking me up and down. I started shaking, daring to look at my brother against the wall.

"Such a pretty, little thing." Amora mused, stopping her observation to flick my cheek. "You look just like Loki when he was younger. Doesn't she Loki?"

Amora turned towards my brother, a grin on her blood red lips.

"Oh, wait, you can't speak," she teased before a sick crackle escaped her throat. Loki's eyes hardened like ice and he forced his head forward, only for it to be slammed back again.

"Trouble?" Amora clipped, heels clicking against the floor as her hands found her hips again. She stopped in front of him, lifting her head to look up at Loki's face.

She pulled her perfectly manicured nails from her hips and flicked her wrist again. 

"Amora."  Loki seethed as soon as the muffling magic disappeared.  He forced his head forward, the rest of his body still frozen against the wall.  "What has he offered?  What has Thanos done to sway you?"

My brother went still, a look almost like remorse crossing his features.

"Has he threatened you, is this why you side with him?"

Amora did not move or speak for several moments.  I swore I saw her cringe, her painted nails digging into the palms of her hands.  Then, slowly, she stepped closer to my brother—fear pounding in my chest—and glared up at him.

"He offers me revenge."

She quickly whipped back around, making a beeline towards me.  Suddenly, I broke free of my fear frozen trance and I tried to back away.  Amora's hand shot out and wrapped around my arm.

"No not touch her."  Loki seethed.  Pure anger knocked across his face.  Amora sent him a grin, pulling me towards him.

"I doubt your darling sister told you about the spell I casted on her?"  There was wickedness in her words and I felt my blood grow cold from the look in Loki's eyes.  No, I hadn't told him.  I had not told him that I thought I was going to die.

"What did you do to her?"  Each syllable of my brother's words were clear and articulated, the room seemed to drop in temperature.  Amora had the nerve to laugh, her emerald eyes glinting with amusement.

"It was rather easy, actually—for a spell as powerful as it was.  The ancient mark of death drawn on the skin, a few words spoken..." she paused, cocking her head, "then, my love, she slowly dies as her loved ones watch."

"I will kill you."  My breath hitched as Loki spoke.  He had gone calm, a deadly calm with his eyes as dark as the night.  "If she dies, I will kill you."

It wasn't a threat, I realized.

It was a promise.

Amora's facade shifted.  Her hand jumped from my arm to my wrist, to the mark.  She jerked me forward before I could try to rip away.

"You will feel pain, God of Mischief."  Amora hissed.  "You watch as your pathetic, half-breed of a sister dies.  Then, you will suffer your loss and when you can no longer stand it, I will have two less problems to deal with."

If I hadn't been utterly terrified, I almost thought her voice began to falter.

Then her thumb pressed down onto the mark and fire shot through me.  It ripped up my arm and down my spine.  The ground shifted and I felt myself falling towards it—screaming.

"You will suffer like I did when you killed my mother."  Amora spat bitterly.  Her fingers unlocked themselves from my wrist and I pulled it back to my chest.  I could only tremble.

Loki's jaw locked, "that fault lies on your and your mother's souls.  Do not taint mine."

For a moment, I thought I saw his finger twitch. 

Amora turned her back to him, shoulders heaving.  Loki moved his hand again—breaking free of the spell.  Mouthing words to Jakob.  Who had also begun to free himself.  A spark of hope bloomed in my chest.

It was when Amora started to turn back around that Loki shot from the wall.  I had less then a second to back away before he cornered and pinned her against the opposing wall.  His armor plated forearm across her throat as she bared her teeth.

"End the curse."  Loki hissed.  Amora only smiled—a glistening white crescent that told me that she was not afraid of dying by my brother's hands.  It wouldn't solve anything—I would still die.

Loki looked over his shoulder.  Eyes wide and directed at Jakob.  He was pulling Addea to her feet.

"Take them.  Take Lorien and Darcy.  Help is coming."

I shook my head.  Loki looked to me.

"Lorien, go now," he barked.  I planted myself were I was to prove to him that I wasn't going to leave without him.

Arms wrapped under my own, pulling me away. 

I yelled, struggling against Jakob when I realized what he was doing.  "No! Let me GO!"

"Your brother wants you safe." Jakob said, voice clipped.  I couldn't get free, his grip was like steel.  Further and further he dragged me away from Loki. "I'm doing this to protect you."

Something cleaved in my chest.  Right as Loki disappeared from my chest.

"Who's going to protect him?"

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