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•Chapter Fourteen•
Shopping adventures

I should have known not to trust Loki after that smile crossed his face. Bad things happen when it does. Bad, bad, things.

Like suddenly looking like a boy to everyone else, except yourself—for instance. And then said illusion looks like a ten year old boy with pitch black hair that fell into his eyes and wearing Call Of Duty t-shirt.

Like I said, bad, bad things.

"I'm going to kill you, I hope you are aware of that." I growled as I angrily climbed into Jane's jeep and slammed the door behind me.

"And Jane's going to kill you if you break her door." Darcy scolded, looking back at me from the driver's seat. I rolled my eyes taking in Darcy's illusion as Loki chuckled to himself.

She had been completely spared. Completely. Her hair now was shorter and came off as a charcoal black when the sun hit it right. Her eyes were still blue but she looked to be no older then sixteen or seventeen.

Loki on the other hand, sported curled golden hair that could have nearly passed for red and it was cropped short. His eyes were no longer green and they were the same shade of blue as Darcy's were.

And for clothing? A simple green t-shirt and jeans. He looked absolutely, for the lack of a better word, normal. Completely and utterly normal for Midgardian standards. Let's be honest with ourselves here, I literally expected some sort of fancy suit.

But it didn't matter how awesome I thought it was for him not to over do it, I was still mad at him.

"If I break the door, I'll blame it on Loki." I sneered, glaring up at my brother through the rear-view mirror. Darcy started the jeep and the engine roared to life.

"That would not be nice." Loki teased. I crossed my arms angrily.

"You're not nice."

An 'aww' like noise escaped Darcy's throat, her eyes briefly flickering back at me. "You're so adorable when you're angry."

"I am a fourteen year old, not a toddler. Aww, again and we're going to have a problem." I growled before turning my attention to the passing trees outside the window. The sky had began mimic my mood, covering itself with a blanket of dark, ominous clouds, a tell-tale sign that another storm was on it's way. Hopefully we made it back to the cabin before the rain started falling.


By the time we pulled into the Kroger parking lot, my mood had ease up a little. Make that known; a little. I had calmed myself enough not to slam the jeep door but I was still glaring at Loki the entire time we walked to the store.

When we reached the doors, Darcy turned to us, handing me a small piece of computer paper.

"I have a list of food and a few recreational items. I just need you to pick up what's on this list and we'll meet back up at the front of the store." Darcy explained quickly, "also, remember your false names." I rolled my eye and took the sheet of paper before crossed my arms.

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