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•Chapter Thirteen•
Master Plans


Lorien may have slept the rest of the night, but that didn't mean she wasn't exhausted.

She sat curled up on the couch beside Darcy as the rest of the adults talked in the kitchen.  Supposedly this was to keep her and Darcy, 'out of the loop' as the latter put it.  But that didn't stop Darcy from ease dropping as Lorien attempted to make up for her lack sleep.

"What gives you the idea that her dream was 'sent' or whatever to Lorien by Thanos?"  Jane questioned, her voice hushed.  Darcy had heard it as clear as day, meaning so did Lorien.

The adults had come to a somewhat conclusion that a deity known as Thanos was the one responsible for Lorien's dream.  This Thanos was also supposedly the thing behind Loki during the Manhattan incident.  The deity who presented the Chituari army to him—or at least that's what Darcy took from their conversation.

Lorien, however, was focused on why and what the adults planned to do about it.

"Say it really is Thanos, why would he cause her to have nightmares?  How does he even know she exists?"  Jane mused, Loki let out a sigh.

"Revenge—I failed him.  I did not supply him with the Tesseract and now he plans to harm those close to me as punishment." 

"Then why has he waited this long?"  Thor asked.

"I suppose it was simply because I had no knowledge of Lorien."  Loki explained, glancing in the direction of his sister.  She was still curled up on the couch with her eyes closed—but not completely closed.  He could still faintly see her ocean blue eyes through her eye lashes. 

Spying in on their conversation, he thought.  How very much like himself.   Loki let a sad smile cross his lips before he turned back to Jane and his brother.  "And now that I do, he has a target."

Thor shifted his weight, thinking.  "If this is to be true—we can not defend her by ourselves for long.  We will need help."

"And who do you propose we go to for assistance?   Surely you can't suggest Asgard or your friends."  Loki responded, his stature at turned cold.

"That's exactly what I'm proposing." 

Loki sighed again, crossing his arms.  "You know very well what will happen.  Odin will place me back in a cell the moment I set foot in the realm, and the same goes with your so called allies!"

"You brought her to me knowing that you could have been recaptured—what makes this any different?"  Jane murmured, keeping her voice soft.  Loki pursed his lips, realizing that she was right.  What made this any different?

"Alright," he agreed, "but how do we get them to agree with this?"

"I can speak with Fury."  Jane volunteered quickly.  Thor nodded before adding his own suggestion.

"And I with my father."  Thor then turned to his brother, "and Loki?  Will you be alright staying here with Lorien and Darcy?"

Loki nodded, "yes."

"And you are sure?"  Thor asked again, sending a wary glance over at Darcy and Lorien.  He hadn't known Lorien for long, but he could most definitely tell that she shared her brother's love for mischief.  And Darcy—she fit in perfectly with the both of them.

If Loki picked up on his attempted jest, he didn't show it—becoming defensive almost instantly.  "Are you doubting my ability to protect them?"

"No," Thor shook his head and then crossed his arms.  "We will leave after lunch."



I knew that Loki knew that I had been listening in and I was beyond grateful that he didn't bring it up at lunch. Nothing was really brought up at lunch, we just ate in silence—even Darcy. The atmosphere was tense from the whole combination of things that had occurred over the past few days. And I think we were all glad for the brief moments of calm.

After lunch, Jane and Thor took no time dawdling and had left before the clock struck one. This left Darcy, Loki and me alone in a massive house with virtually nothing to do. I feel like that could have been a really bad thing if the mood in said house wasn't so negative.

That is, until, Darcy had an idea.

"We need to go out." She proclaimed, standing straight up from her spot on the couch. She quickly wrapped her headphones back up and turned to look between Loki and me.

"What?" I asked.

"We have no idea how long we're going to be stuck here, we might as well go buy more food and movies or something to keep us occupied." Darcy explained quickly, "and besides, I saw a Kroger when we were driving up here. It can't be more then a thirty minute drive."

I shrugged, looking to my brother to see his reaction. Darcy was right about both thing—we needed to buy some stuff.

Loki looked hesitant, pursing his lips. "How do you suppose we get there?"

"Jane left her jeep, we'll take that."

"Alright." Loki finally sighed, standing to his feet. That's when another thought hit me.

"Wait! S.H.I.E.L.D. is still probably monitoring the security cameras. If we show up on one of the feeds, we'll have police on us in minutes." I exclaimed. Sometimes, living your entire life on one military base to another did come in handy.

Loki and Darcy were quiet for a moment. Loki ended up speaking first, a mischievous grin slowly stretching across his face.

"Not if we don't look like ourselves."

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