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•Chapter Two•
Green Eyed Mischief
(S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier)

When I finally got to my room, I was more frustrated then angry saving my door from the common fate of being slammed shut.  Which was actually a miracle. Most of the times when I closed it, even if I wasn't mad, I ended up accidentally slamming it.

This occurrence may or may not have resulted in Fury having to replace my door at least once.

Taking that into consideration, I plopped myself down onto my bed and grabbed my book off my nightstand.  The Mortal Instruments, City of Bones was the book that had currently captured my attention. I loved to read, I had convinced Fury to buy me a bookshelf when I was 7, if that helps show how much I loved to read.


I had just started on chapter five, when I heard a commotion out in the hallway.  I frowned, closing my book and setting it down on the bed beside me.

I jumped up and started towards my door. The sound grew louder, the echoing sound of boots on the metal floor of the hallway.  I gently cracked it open so I could see what was going on. My eyes landed on a mass of armed S.H.I.E.L.D agents, marching down the hallway.

Another frown crossed my face.  What the heck was going on?

It wasn't until I noticed a pair of cold, emerald, green eyes glance in my general direction, did I understand.

In the center of the mass agents, walked a tall man. He stood taller then the rest with pitch black hair that flooded down around his head like raven feathers and his eyes were a piercing emerald green.  He radiated an aura of authority and power and I knew who I was looking at the moment I laid my eyes on him.

Loki, that was the name that came to me. Loki, the Norse god of mischief and fire, brother to Thor. Loki, the man who attempted to conquer Earth just over thirteen years ago. That same man was now glaring at me.

My heart thudded in my chest as his deadly gaze passed over me.  Confusion flickered through them momentary as he spotted me but it disappeared quicker then it had came and his steely death glare returned.

I threw my door shut, slamming it in the process. I backed up against the cold metal and let out a panicked breath—why was he staring at me?!

Well duh, you were spying. My sub-conscious screamed back at me. Why thank you, little creepy voice in my head.

When I had over heard the conversation about Loki, I didn't realize he was already here, on the Helicarrier. Now I was terrified.  I had watched videos, without Fury's permission of course, from the Manhattan Incident. I had seen the Chituari, the violence, the death and above all, Loki, standing like he was already the King of the world.

I sucked in a deep breath before sinking down to the ground.

"Calm down Lorien, don't freak out." I rambled to myself, there wasn't any reason to be worried. He couldn't get out, could he? Yes, he may have escaped all those years ago but it's been years.  The cell has been built and rebuilt hundreds of times—it's held so many other super villains since then. 

Suddenly a voice echoed though my room and my gaze shot up out of shock.

"Calm down Lorien, don't freak out."

My ocean green eyes met their identical twins.

I was on my feet in seconds, staring at a exact copy of myself.   She—I, stood at the end of my bed with a scared look on her face, just like mine. From the clothes down to the small scar on my forehead, was identical.

I stepped towards myself, my head tilted in confusion. I reached my hand forward, my fingers barely touching my shoulder when I—she, dissipated into a cloud of pale green mist. I jumped back in shock.

What the heck just happened?

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