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•Chapter Twenty-One•
Don't Touch the Sparkly Wall; the Results are Shocking

The dungeons—as assumed—were located in the lower levels of the palace, and by the time we got there, I was beyond lost.  We had gone down so many stairwells and hallways that I would've never been able to retrace my steps if I needed to.  My only life-line was staying as close as possible to Frigga and Thor; in order to not get left alone, stranded in a hallway somewhere.

The doors to the dungeons were much different then the rest of the doors in the castle.  While they was just as massive and towering, they were far from golden.  They were dark, foreboding and had another two guards posted on either side.  One of which, I recognized as Kol—one of the guards that had been in charge of making sure I stayed in the healing room.

Now that I could get a better look at him, he seemed no older then Loki and Thor and stood at their height—that seemed to be a reoccurrence among Asgardians.  His amber eyes flickered over us, confused.

"We wished to be allowed access to Loki's cell," Thor began to explain, "the Allfather has granted him freedom.  I suspect he will later explain the specifics to the guard."

Kol looked unsure but he stepped aside to open the doors anyway.  As the door creaked open, I was met with another set of stairs.  They only went down a few feet before they opened into another hallway.  The said hallway was lined with cells—or what I assumed were cells.

They were small cubicle rooms, one after another, and completely stark white.  The side walls in all of the cells were completely solid—save for the cells cornering the secondary hallways that branched off from the first— and the front walls were nearly transparent.  The only indication that they were even walls was a shimmery, golden aura near the edges.  Other then that—or at a far away glance—one would have assumed that the prisoners could walk straight through.

Each cell had inhabitants and I found myself not wanting to go any farther into the room then I needed.  Loki might be good now, but that didn't mean everyone else down here was too.  Luckily Thor stopped two cells down and approached the transparent, glass-like wall.  I instantly spotted my brother inside, stalking back and forth across the room. 

His hands were clasped tightly behind his back and his head was bowed. I couldn't entirely see his face but I didn't need to, I could clearly see his locked jaw and the feral, predatory look in his eyes.  He looked like a caged animal and it broke my heart.

"Brother," Thor began but he hadn't so much as dropped the last syllable before Loki whipped around.

"YOU ARE NOT MY BROTHER!He roared, his voice ringing of the stone walls of the dungeons.  He had yet to notice me and Frigga yet—he was that furious.  I had never seen him this angry during the short time I had know him—never this broken—and it almost frightened me.

"Loki."  I murmured softly.  I took a stepped forward and Loki's wild gaze shot to me—almost instantly softening in disbelief.

"Lorien?"  He gapped questioningly.  His hands fell to the sides as he neared the wall.  I shot forward but Thor threw his arm out in front of me before I could near the glass.

"Don't touch the barrier, it's magic could very much cause you to fall unconscious if you were to touch it."  He warned before dropping his arm.   I nodded quickly before—cautiously—inching closer.

"Why have you brought her here?"  Loki began, speaking to Thor but not looking away from me, "she should not be down here, it isn't safe."

"We've came to discuss the terms of your release."  Thor answered and shock radiated across my brother's face. This time his gaze did shot back to Thor.


"He's letting you out!" I chirped excitedly. Relief instantly spread across his features as he realized what was happening, his shoulders slumped and a soft sigh escaped his lips.

"Although, there are conditions." Thor butted in. Loki quickly hid his relieved façade and clasped his hands behind his back.

"What of them?"

Thor quickly explained the conditions on which Odin allowed for Loki's release. Loki nodded slowly as Thor spoke, the former's bottom lip curling as the latter finished.

"Freed from one cage only to be confined to another," Loki hissed, "very well. I agree to this terms."

Thor nodded, "and you are aware that if you go against th—"

"I will be returned to this prison. I am aware." Loki sharply cut Thor off.

Thor sighed before reaching out. He gently waved his hand over a strange marking on the wall and a soft hum filled the air. A moment later the transparent wall to Loki's cell slowly dissipated, leaving him free to step out.

"Aww, the mirth of momentary freedom." Loki purred, his voice dripping with sarcasm. A smirk crossed the God of Mischief's face as he jumped down from his cell—his hands still clasped behind his back. His eyes flickered to Frigga.

"Hello mother." He greeted happily but his voice was still edged with mockery. I supposed deep down he was happy to see his mother, (I could tell from cold exterior that he was trying to hide behind), but he wasn't going to let it show.

Frigga, on the other hand, spent no such time hiding behind a façade. She stepped forward and enveloped Loki in a hug. The God was quiet for a moment before hesitantly returning the embrace.

A small smile slipped across my lips at the exchange.

"It is time to leave," Thor announced warily, probably hesitate to break up his mother and brother's reunion.

Frigga and Loki broke apart at his words, the former with a soft smile and the latter with an emotionless emerald gaze. Loki moved to stand beside me. Frigga watched him silently, the smile on her lips only growing.

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