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•Chapter Eight•
Ahhhhhhhhhh.......big scary Thunder Man

I rolled over and pulled the blanket tighter, yawning.  Wait.  I froze, my mouth still ajar in a mid yawn.  I don't remember going back to the heli-carrier.  My eyelids shot open and I sat up as quickly as humanly possible.

I scanned my surroundings—what is with me and waking up in strange places?  I was perched on a small twin bed in an equally small room—not my room.  Where was I?

The next thing I knew, a flood of memories rushed back into my head.  Loki kidnapping me, trying to hitch-hike, getting shot.  I gasped, quickly pulling up shirt.

A sigh of relief passed though my lips when I saw that I was still in one piece.  The only thing that even remotely told me that I had been shot were the scattered light pink scars that covered my skin.  Loki must have healed me.

I dropped my shirt and slipped off the bed.  I crossed the, carpeted floor towards the door and carefully pushed it open.  I stepped into the empty hallway after I heard distant voices.  I quietly followed them until the hallway opened into a large, open living room.

I didn't leave the hallway, only standing just far enough background that I wouldn't be spotted.

I instantly stopped Loki and another man that I recognized as Erik Selvig—an Astrophysicist that worked closely with S.H.I.E.L.D and Jane Foster. I had met him a few times but it was mostly when I would spy in on Fury's secret meetings. He had a lot of those.

There were two other women in the living room as well. Both were brunettes, the taller one I realized was Jane Foster. Loki took me all the way to New Mexico?

"I'm going to call S.H.I.E.L.D," I heard Erik growl. Jane shook her head and Loki tensed.

"No," Jane snapped. "I get that this is a risk but you didn't see him when he first came in. He was scared of losing her!" Erik sighed in annoyance, crossing his arms over his chest.


"No." Jane interrupted. She turned away from Erik and briefly made eye contact with me. Her eyes lit up and she motioned for me to come over.

"You can come in." She explained softly, causing everyone to look in my direction. I felt shy suddenly becoming the center of attention. Loki's eyes landed on me and relief fell over his features.

"H-Hi." I stammered, rubbing my arm.

"You're okay." Loki muttered, more to himself then to me.  He quickly crossed the room and pulled me into a hug. Loki was hugging me? He was worried that I was going to die? This wasn't someone who murdered people and tired to enslave Earth. This was someone who cared, someone who was broken. He was hurt some how and it made him act the way did and he needed help to heal. I would help him.

"That's it Erik. You are for no reason to call S.H.I.E.L.D." I heard Jane order.

"I'm sorry." I muttered to Loki.

"It's okay." He whispered back as he let me go.

Almost the moment I stepped away from Loki, I heard a loud crack from outside. I saw a blur of silver and red approaching the glass doors.  Within seconds he got close enough and Thor caught my gaze.

"Erik!" Jane yelled, smacking him on the arm. He must have called S.H.I.E.L.D before I had woken up.

Loki pulled me behind him in one quick movement, completely shielding me from the doors. I heard the metal hinges swing open and heavy footsteps on the tiled floor.

"Loki," Thor boomed. His deep voice echoed throughout the room.

"Yes, Thor?" Loki snapped, his words dripping with annoyance.

"Where is the Lady Lorien?" He demanded. I stretched up on my toes trying to peek over Loki's shoulder but I wasn't even close to being tall enough.

"Thor," Jane called as she walked over to him.

"Jane, did he harm you?"  Thor asked concerned.

"He did no such thing," Jane answered.  "I don't know the whole story but if you plan to take Loki back to S.H.I.E.L.D for punishment, I am ashamed of you."

"What do you mean Jane?"  Thor questioned, his voice puzzled.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about.  Lorien had gotten shot and Loki brought her here for my help.  To take her brother away would b—"

Jane didn't get to finish.

"What?!"  The room went silent after Thor had spoken.

"You didn't know?"  Jane whispered in shock, probably feeling guilty that she just exploded on Thor without a reason.

"Only Fury and a few others knew."  Erik added in.  I can only imagine Jane slapping him again.

"Lorien is Loki's biological sister."  Erik explained again.  I finally decided that it was time to show myself.  I peeked out from behind Loki and Thor spotted me, his bright blue eyes widening.

"How is this possible?"  Thor muttered, looking between Loki and me.  I had to restrain a sarcastic reply to his question.  Well Thor, when a mommy and a daddy love each other ver—okay, blah blah blah, you get the point.

"I do not know is your intentions were good brother," Thor stated suddenly.  "But Fury wants to find Lorien and he will send others.  And if you truly do care for you, I will help you."

"I do care for her."  Loki responded without missing a beat.  A big smile crossed my face.

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