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•Chapter Nine•
Road Trip

The next thing I knew, I was smack dab between Loki and Thor in the back seat of Jane's jeep, traveling at 50 miles per hour down a dusty New Mexican road while Darcy attempted to DJ in the passenger seat.

This situation began because the "adults" thought it best if we found somewhere else to hang low, and Jane refused to let Loki teleport us—claiming that if he teleported us, he would leave her behind. Jane wanted to help and determination burned in her eyes. Darcy, didn't want to get left behind, grabbing her iPod and earphones before shooting out of the lab behind us.

"Where are we even going?" Darcy sighed, yawning tiredly.

"My parents had a summer house in Colorado, that's where I'm thinking." Jane explained. I yawned after Darcy, it had been a long few days and the car ride would be a perfect time to sleep.



Loki watched Lorien's head sink slowly down to rest against his arm. She mumbled in her sleep, her eyes twitching under her eyelids and her breathing slowed. She was asleep.

"You really care for her?" Thor assumed, Loki remained quiet to not risk waking Lorien up. He nodded his head, watching over his little sister as she slept.


By the time the jeep came to a stop, the sky was dipping into dusk. Streaks of purple, pink, red and orange light painted the sky. Lorien had been awoken by the stopping of the car and was attempting to climb over Loki to escape the vehicle. She pushed the door open and tumbled to the ground below.

"Owww!" She whined, rubbing her sore elbow that hit the ground.

"Maybe you should have patiently waited." Loki attempted to scold the black haired girl but she returned it with sticking her tongue out at him. Loki rolled his eyes, stepping out of the jeep.

"Here we are." Jane announced, staring up at a large log cabin. It was at least two stories and overlooked a vast forest.

"Woah." Darcy whispered. "You said this was your family vacation house?"

"Well, technically it belonged to one of my dad's co-workers. His family had no more use for it and sold it to my dad when I was little." Jane quickly explained. She pulled out a set of keys as she approached the front door.

"This place is amazing." Lorien murmured as she took in her surrounding. Loki nodded in agreement, watching as Jane unlocked the massive cabin.


Jane led us into the large house and it was absolutely beautiful.  Well, besides the layer of dust that covered everything—but I expected that when Jane said that the house was bought when she was younger.  The house probably hadn't been used in years.

Jane gave us a quick tour.  The cabin consisted of five bedrooms—ironically one for each of us—three bathrooms, a massive kitchen, a living room and a small game room.  On the second floor, she picked a room for me to use and then gave the one next to it to Loki.

The room was decent sized—bigger then my room on the helicarrier.  It had a large bay window that overlooked the forest and the walls were a deep green.  Nestled against one of the walls was a closet and a large bed.  Jane explained that this was her room when she would stayed here when she was younger.

She also explained that there might be left over clothes still in the closet and that was the first thing I checked when she left. My jacket and tank were still bloodstained and shredded from being shot. I was going to be sick if I didn't change out of them soon.

I was still going through the motions on that one for sure. Just a few days ago, I was annoying the heck out of Fury. Now, I was being shot.

I shook my head and pulled open the closet doors. True to Jane's words, there were several items of clothing hung inside. I sifted through the hangers until I came across a dark brown tank top and a pair of dark skinny jeans. I also grappled a black jacket before I closed the door. I quickly changed and re-braided my hair.

I smiled in satisfaction before I turned and headed back into the hallway.


Tony let out a huff of air, tapping his fingers impatiently on the table. His eyes burned from lack of sleep and his jaw was clenched out of annoyance. Even his ears were still ringing from Fury's shouts. How the man didn't already lose his voice, baffled Tony.

The search for Lorien was still unsuccessful and Fury was going off the rails. The news that Thor was now helping his brother for some god forsaken reason—wasn't at all helping.

"I wonder how many feet under I would be if I was to try sneaking out right now?" Tony joked, catching Clint's attention from across the table.

"There wouldn't be a body to bury." Natasha answered before Clint could. The assassin herself looked as if she was ready to strangle someone. She leaned closer to the table, her hands clasping together.

"There's got to be something Fury's leaving out because there's no way Thor would help keep Lorien hidden unless there was a good reason."

"I thought Fury told you everything?" Steve Rogers perked up. Natasha rolled her eyes and gave the Captain a look that seemed to read: Are you serious right now?

"Apparently, he doesn't because he managed to keep a kid secret from her for nearly fifteen years." Tony shrugged in agreement to Clint's claim.

"Ms. Widow finally is in the dark about a super classified secret. How do you feel about that?" Tony teased and Natasha's glare shifted to Tony.

"I feel," Natasha paused—sending a very annoyed grin at him.  "Like strangling you."

"Okay, okay—no strangling.  We're getting seriously off topic."  Clint interrupted.  Natasha sighed in disappointment before leaning towards him.

"Obviously there's something Fury isn't telling us.  We've decided that but what i—"

"Speak of the devil."  Tony chuckled, cutting Clint off.  Tony leaned back in his chair, watching as Fury stepped down on the bridge.  "Does the big bad super spy have any more secrets to share with the class?"

A scowl crossed Fury's lips as he approached the head of the table.

"I do not believe your clearance level is high enough to access that kind of information, Stark."  Fury snapped. Tony only rolled his eyes before pointing across the table at Natasha.

"Well, even if mine isn't.  Her's definitely is."

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