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•Chapter Twenty-Nine•


Loki was calm.

A deadly calm.

He had raged, he had yelled—but now he was silent. Reserving his anger—reserving the destruction at his finger tips.

Reserving them for Thanos. He could wait as he had been.

Thanos had taken everything from him—twisted and manipulated him. Tortured him and bent him to his will. Made him so hungry for power that he helped destroy a city. Thanos had invoked every single negative emotion that Loki had ever had and used them to his advantage.

And now, Thanos had Lorien.

He had his sister. His sister by blood.

Thanos had taken many things from him.

But he would not take Lorien from him.



A creak sounded through the darkness, echoing off the stone walls. I went still. The sound was different from the chains—it was distinctively heavy and within seconds footsteps followed.

Fear coursed through me. Someone was here.

Yellow light flooded the cell.  My eyes stung—I blinked trying to adjust my vision.  My gaze focused on a dark form silhouetted in the dingy light.  My blood went cold the figure stepped closer and I could finally see it. 

It was far from human—and definitely not a Chituari.  It's skin was paler and it was much shorter.  A dark cloak concealed most of his features but I could still see the talon like nails on the being's finger when it reached out for the bars of my cell. 

It had to be some minion of Thanos—just like that man who kidnaped me.

I heard a clank and then the door to my cell was swinging open.

"Hey!"  Darcy suddenly called out, "get away from her."

I saw the flash of the creature's fangs in the dim light as it whipped it's gaze towards Darcy. 

"Silence," it hissed.  It's voice was strange, gravelly and sent chills down my spine.  I gulped, slinking closer to the wall.

The creature turned back to face me, stepping into the cell.  It begun to slowly reach out it's free hand as a dark purple aura surrounded it's fingers.  The cool air around me grew thin and dry—a heavy feeling settling in my chest. 

That's when the pain started.

It started like pricks along my skin and then it exploded into fire.  It burned and stretched up and down my arms and throat.  I gasped in pain—I felt like I was on fire.

I jerked against my chains.  Pulling and pulling and gasping.  I couldn't breathe.  Tears pricked at my eyes and my teeth gritted together.  I squeezed my eyes shut.

Another wave of pain hit me and I screamed.  Or maybe it was Darcy that screamed.  I couldn't hear anything and my vision was red.  It hurt so bad. 

I pulled against the chains again.  And just like that the pain vanished.

I gasped, bringing in greedy breaths of air.  Sweat poured down my temples and my lungs ached from the lack of oxygen.  My arms began to shake.

"Hey!  Monster thing!  Her brother is going to kill you!"  Darcy barked, louder then I had ever heard her speak before—but the creature just ignored her.

"You will be used as bait, girl."  The creature snarled before drawling it's hand back into it's cloak.

"Why?"  I croaked, "—why a-are you doing this?"

My throat burned.  A sickening smile stretched across the creature's face.  It stepped closer sending causing me to push myself against the wall in fear.

"Because, child,  the wannabe king's time is coming to an end." 

My lip trembled as the words echoed in my head and a tear slipped down my cheek.  A crackle of a laugh escaped the creature before it turned.

It moved to exit my cell, slamming the bared door harshly behind him.  My heart pounded in my chest as it disappeared down the hall—the light following.

Again we were cast in darkness.

"Lorien!"  Darcy whispered furiously.  I blinked, breathing in deeply. 

"I'm okay."  I breathed softly, leaning back against the cold stone wall.

"You were screaming." 

I gulped, nodding despite the darkness.  Tears running down my cheeks.  I couldn't answer—everything was to much.  My dad lied to me, I was chained to a wall and a deity wanted my brother dead.

I squeezed my eyes shut to stop the tears. 

It was all to much, it was al—


My eyes flashed open upon hearing Darcy's voice.

"Lorien, we will get through this—and so will your brother."

"They want him dead."  I murmured, "they want him dead."

I felt sick to my stomach.

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