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•Chapter Six•
Hitch-hiking is fun; until you get shot

"So......what are we doing?" I asked, again running to catch up with Loki's pace. It had been this way for a while, Loki had randomly put out the fire and told me to follow him. That was half an hour ago, he's been silent the whole time.

"As I said before, I do not have enough energy to teleport us again. We can not wait that long and as much as I would not care if you starved, you will need food. I believe that there is a town several miles west of here that we will find food and water." Loki explained, annoyed—again.

"And how would you know of this town?" I questioned—silence. I waited a few more seconds but I was yet again greeted with silence.

"Okay. Silent treatment, huh? Well I the perfect solution for that." I paused, looking up at Loki for a reaction. There was none.

"Here I go." I let out a huge breath of air. "Grass, tree, leaf, leaf, leaf. Oh Loki! Is that a squirrel? Oh look, another leaf! Leaf, leaf, leaf, leaf, le-" A hand slapped over my mouth, cutting off my ramble.

"Will you please silence your tongue?" Loki hissed as he turned to face me—his hand still covering my mouth. I have a solution for this too.

I licked his hand.

Loki instantly whipped his hand away, wiping it on his pants. His gaze landed on my innocent smile.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm just an obnoxious Midgardian child."


Third Person P.O.V

Natasha helped the director to his feet—his eyes burning with anger. His jaw was clenched and his hands were balled up in fists.

"Where are they!' Fury boomed.

"Loki took the girl." Natasha hissed, her fire red hair bobbing as the director and her started down the corridor.

It didn't take long for the pair to reach the control room. Fury exploded the moment he stepped into the room.

"I want all security cameras, phone camera, phone calls and texts being monitored. Loki has escaped and he took my daughter. I want every thing running right now."



I was beyond bored—Loki had stopped speaking to me altogether. I thought that I was going to implode from his silence.

Well........that was until I spotted a stretch of dirt through the trees, a road—finally. I didn't want to die in the woods because Loki got lost.

"Yes!"  I whispered in excitement before I ran past Loki.  I bolted up the small incline and stopped right at the edge of the old path.

"Now, which way?"  I asked when Loki appeared beside me.  Silence as expected.

"You know, sometime you're gonna have to speak."  I sighed, crossing my arms.  Almost as soon as I stopped speaking, I suddenly heard the low hum of a truck engine.  My head whipped to my left to see an old battered Chevy making its way towards us.  Guess that's my ride.

I stepped out where the driver could see me before I stuck my thumb out in the air. Never tried hitchhiking before—why not tried now.

"What in Valhalla are you doing?"  Loki hissed, grabbing my arm.

"Getting us a ride, duh."  I stated plainly as I rolled my eyes.  Typical teenager as one would say.

Loki's jaw clenched before he started to pull me off the road.  I started screaming in response.  Maybe the driver would think that Loki was kidnapping me—well technically he was.

It was pretty clear that that was what he first thought because he began blaring his horn.  The truck came to a quick stop before the driver threw open his door and jumped out.  Shotgun in hand.

"Let her go!" The driver—a tall man, maybe in his later fifties—shouted to Loki. The man raised his gun—fully intending on using it. Loki gripped my arm tighter, pulling me behind him.

"I will shoot you, let her go."  The driver warned, taking a step closer.  When he realized that Loki had no intention of letting me go, he fired a shot.

Loki dodged out of the way, dragging me with him.  I hit the ground—feeling a sharp pain in my stomach.  I yelped as Loki grabbed my arm again.  I suddenly felt nauseous and my vision blurred to the point where I could barely see him.  Loki must have teleported us, I guessed.

The next thing I knew, I was lying on my back, staring up at oak leaves and an awful pain coming from my stomach.

"What were you thinking?  You could hav—" My cry of pain cut off Loki's rant.  My hands found their ways to my stomach and they were met with warm, gushing blood.  My shirt and jacket were torn to shreds.

Loki spun at the sound of my cry—he dropped down next to me almost instantly.   He gently pulled my hands away.

"I-it h-hurts."  I whimpered as I felt tears flood down my cheeks.  My eye lids start to grow heavy.

"Stay calm."  Loki ordered softly, "Don't close your eyes.  Come on, stay with me."  He sounded more desperate this time—his bright green eyes full of worry.

The last thing I could remember before my head rolled limply to the side was another bright burst of light.

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