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•Chapter Twenty-Six•
Palace Exploration and a New Friend


"Is the God of Mischief and Lies really that salty about someone tricking him?"


"I mean, you trick people all the time. Remember when you tried tricking Jane out of stopping for food on the way to her family house? That was fun—"


Lorien stopped talking and stared up at her brother as innocently as possible. "Yes?"

"If I remember correctly, you were also quite 'salty'—as you put it—about Thor tricking me." Loki reminded, "you attacked a guard."

Lorien flushed, "well..."

Loki scoffed.

"That's what I thought."

Loki was back on his feet—much to the disliking of Faline and several of the other Healers—and walking.  The cut on his leg had healed extremely quickly and if Lorien had to guess, his magic probably had a hand in his recovery.

But with his quick recovery also came his mood and silver tongue. 

Which—Lorien decided—was better then him lying in a hospital bed.

The two of them then proceeded on a tour of the palace—well, the places in the castle in which Loki was allowed. Which wasn't very much.

They ended up in one of the courtyard, one at the very end of the hallway from where Loki's room was. It was just barely over the boundary of where Loki was allowed. Loki didn't seem concerned by it.

Vibrant blue hydrangea bushes lined the door ways and honey suckle vines creeped up the walls of the massive courtyard. Thousands of other plants grew scattered throughout it, encasing them in a thick, sweet smell. Lorien couldn't help but smile as she stepped past the threshold into the garden.

"This is my mother's personal garden," Loki explained softly, "my safe haven when I was a child."  A solemn look came across his features.

"It's beautiful here."  Lorien mused as she inched closer to one of the hydrangea bushes.  A butterfly—it's type unrecognizable to her—landed on one of the blooms.

She stepped closer.

Something small and black shot out from out of the bush then darted back in. Lorien nearly yelped, jumping back a step. Loki was at her side in seconds.

Lorien's panic eased quicker then it had came as she spotted a pair of small, shining green eyes staring back at her through the leaves.

"I think it's a kitten." She murmured, stepping closer again. Slowly, she kneeled down in front of the bush—despite a warning from Loki. Lorien held her hand out and started clicking her tongue.

A soft mew met her ears.

"It's okay, kitty. It's okay." She cooed. The kitten mewed again, slowly blinking it's eyes. "Come here, kitty kitty. It's okay."

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