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•Chapter Twenty-Four•
Poison in the Water

A loud clatter was what woke me up. I shot straight up from my bed—aka, the most comfortable bed in the entire universe—terrified. The memory of the Chituari racing through my head.

My gaze quickly whipped around the room before landing on a small figure beside my bed—not a Chituari. I let out a breath of relief.

My gaze had landed on a young girl, that couldn't have been much older then me. Her snow white hair was pulled up in a intricate braid and her familiar silver eyes were wide with shock. Her hands were frozen on a small metal tray that she had been in the process of setting in the table beside the bed I was laying on.

"My apologies," she quickly rambled, hanging her head, "I did not mean to wake you, milady. I was only bringing you your breakfast. I was told that you would not want to eat in the meal hall. I am truly sorr—"

I quickly cut off her ramble, "hey, don't be sorry. You're fine." Her head whipped back up.

"Also, you don't need to call me milady. I'm Lorien, just call me Lorien." I added after, the girl's eyes lit up.

"Really?" She squeaked and I nodded my head.

"Well, thank you. Mila—Lorien." The girl said quietly, her voice shook ever so slightly, "my name is Tove."

I sat up further and smiled at her, "it's nice to met you Tove."

"You as well." She replied, a hesitant smile on her own lips. "I feel that we will be friends in the future."

I laughed and nodded my head in agreement. I pushed off the fur blankets still covering my legs so that I was able to turn towards Tove.

"Until then," she began, motioning towards the metal tray sitting on the small table in front of her, "I brought you breakfast." 

My eyes flickered towards the tray.  A small bowl and a metal cup set on it. The cup was filled with water but the bowl on the other hand, was filled to the rim with what I assumed was some sort of fruit.  It was a vibrant yellow in color but it looked nothing like any yellow fruit I had ever seen on Earth. I looked back to Tove.

"Thank you, but," I paused, unsure how to ask, "what kinda of fruit is that?  I've never seen anything like it."

Tove giggled and I frowned.

"S-sorry, Lorien.  I wasn't making fun of you."  Tove explained when she saw my face, "I just keep forgetting that you were raised on Midgard."

Midgard?  That's Earth, right?

"Yeah," I murmured, a small smile creeping back on my face.

Tove motioned towards the fruit, "it is called Gyellene, it's a delicacy here on Asgard." She then picked up a small piece of the fruit and held it up to me. "Try it."

I tilted my head curiously before taking it from her. I hesitantly took a bite of it.

My mouth exploded with flavor and my eyes widened in surprise. Why the heck don't we have this on Earth?! The small piece I had eaten tasted heavenly—right up there next to Darcy's pancakes. Really, the only way I could describe what I was tasting was that it's taste was similar to blueberries and black raspberries mixed together.

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