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•Chapter One•
Hello.......it's me...... Lorien Fury
(S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier)

     The loud beeping of my alarm clock quickly drew my attention away from the book I was reading. A book that had kept me in my room for most of the early morning hours—I found I could not fall back asleep—when I woke up at 3 in the morning. I yawned and closed it before slapping my hand down on the ringing, alarm clock—efficiency turning it off. I set my book down and jumped up.

I stretched before turning towards my dresser.  I pulled one of the old oak drawers open and grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a camo tank top.

I quickly got changed and headed to my bathroom to try and untangle my huge mass of raven black hair.  With every stroke of my comb, I cringed and mentally debated whether or not it would be worth it just to cut it off.  Every time the answer was no, I love my hair, whether it loves me back or not.

After I got out the majority of the tangles, I made my way back into my room.  I pulled my forest green jacket off the back of my door and slipped out into the hallway.

I padded barefoot down the hallway towards the cafeteria.  Now, you're all probably wondering, 'how the heck does Lorien have a cafeteria in her house?'  Well kiddos, I wouldn't exactly call where I live, a house.

The place I call home, well one of my homes, is a great big hunk of steel and glass that hovers over the Atlantic Ocean.

Yes, you heard what I said.  I live, part time, on S.H.I.E.L.D'S Helicarrier.

Okay, before you go and get all excited; no, I don't hang out with the Avengers.  Why, you may ask?  My dad is why.  Mr. Nick Fury himself, a whole bundle of anger and battle tactics wrapped up all together as my adoptive dad.  Fun, but to be fair, he wasn't so bad.

I quickly made my through the cafeteria, grabbing an apple along the way, and headed back into the hallway. I soon found myself wandering like I often did when I didn't have classes. I have the entire Helicarrier basically mapped out it my head.

Just as I was rounding a corner, I caught sight of a group of people standing in one of the labs. It seemed that this meeting was meant to be kept secret since I hadn't seen a single S.H.I.E.L.D agent in the proximity of the lab.

I ducked back around the corner, but not before recognizing the group in the lab.

I leaned against the wall with wide eyes. The Avengers!

Well, most of them. From the brief glance I had gotten, I recognized four of the six Avengers; Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers. 

I slowly peaked around the corner, trying to be as quiet as possible. I sighed silently when I realized that the labs were basically sound-proof.  Crouching, I snuck closer the lab, there, I could finally make out their voices.

"How is that a good idea?!"  Tony Stark exclaimed.  My dad's jaw locked and he shifted his weight to his opposite foot.

"I didn't agree to the idea at first either, but this may be a chance to get one more villain off the playing field.  He isn't nearly as powerful as he was before.  I figure that we hold him in cell for the first few weeks so Thor can get settled in and then he'll take Loki to make up for the damage he caused here."  Fury explained.

"Remember what happened last time?"  Natasha hissed with doubt in her eyes, Clint nodded in agreement.

"He shouldn't this time."  Nick growled.  Natasha shook her head gently.  The room went quiet, I lifted my my head up so I could see what was happening.  My eyes met Natasha's and I ducked down as quickly as I could.

You know the feeling you get when you realize you just got caught doing something bad? Well, when my eyes met Natasha's, that feeling hit me three-fold. I was having, as one would call it, an 'oh crap' moment.

Within seconds, I felt a hand grab my upper arm and pull me to my feet. As luck would have it, that hand belonged to a very confused, frustrated, red-headed assassin. Oh crap moment intensifies.

I let out an awkward laugh and smiled. The rest of the secret meeting members quickly filed out of the lab. Great, now I was stuck with a very angry adoptive dad as well.

"Lorien." Fury scolded. 

"Y-yes?" I stammered back, playing with my hands. Fury shot a quick glance around at the surrounding group before focusing back on me.

"Go to your room, we'll discuss this later." He ordered as Natasha let my arm go. I instantly crossed my arms.

"Why? What's going on?"  I shot back, narrowing my eyes.  I heard Tony scoff.

"Since when did you allow minors on the Helicarrier?"  He asked before Nick could reply to my question.  My gaze shifted to him.

"Since me."  I retorted.  Clint snorted.

"Who are you anyway, kid?"  Tony quickly replied.

"Lorien Fury." The group's jaws dropped. 

"What is she talking about?"  Natasha asked Nick, confused.  Nick sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"She's my adopted daughter."

To say the looks on the Avenger's faces were shock, would be an understatement.  All of their jaws hung open and their eyes were wild.  I sent a huge, beaming smile at them, placing my hands on my hips.

"You adopted a kid?"  The silence was broken by Tony Stark.  Nick sighed again and crossed his arms across his chest tightly.

"Yes," he paused, before snapping back sharply, "I did." 

"What?  Did you miss us or something?" Tony rambled, turning to look at me, "how old are you anyway, kid?"

"Fourteen."  I explained quickly, still trying to contain my excitement.  I was standing in front of the Avengers.

"You adopted a kid right before the Manhattan incident? Where did you hide her?" Tony gapped, my dad sighed again.

"I don't have to explain myself to you, I—"

"—actually you do. I really want to hear this story." Clint interrupted and I nearly laughed at the look that crossed Fury's face.

"Barton," he warned but Clint only shrugged. Natasha mimicked Clint's motion and Steve's eyes held his own curiosity. My dad sighed for the fourth time.

"I was friends with her parents. I was her Godfather. When her parents passed, I adopted her." Fury began explaining quickly, "she lived off base for five years until I had stable place for her to live."

I pursed my lips as the familiar story came to an end. The story had always made me sad, even if I had never really known my parents. They died when I was a baby and I don't have a single memory of them but, somehow, it still left a hole in my chest. It was hard to think that I didn't have any living blood relatives.

"Hey kid, you okay?" Tony asked suddenly, I jumped as I was broken out of my thoughts.

"Y-yeah, I'm good." I stammered, Natasha's eyes narrowed but she didn't say a word.

"Now," my dad intervened, "that everyone is satisfied with knowing about the existence of my daughter. Lorien, go to your room."

I groaned, glaring up at him. He frowned back, "now, please."

I released my own sigh and turned on my heels, but not before waving a small farewell to the present Avengers.

And as I walked down the hallway towards my room, I only wish I had known that soon I would have bigger problems then just getting banished to my bedroom.

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