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•Chapter Fifteen•

After picking up a box of pancake mix and a bag or two of white chocolate chips, we quickly met back up with Darcy, checked out and then left.  The drive back didn't seem to take as long but had started torrentially down pouring.

Meaning, when we got back to the cabin, we were all completely soaked by the time we got inside.  Soaked and freezing to the point that swore Loki's fingers looked blue. And of course, I still looked as if I was a boy. This meant, with my hair beginning long but not long enough to be held back with a hair tie, I had to continuously push my dripping wet hair out of my eyes.

"This is definitely one thing I miss about being above the clouds—not being drenched with ice cold water." I stammered, teeth chattering. No one laughed and honestly, I didn't expect them too. I wasn't the only one freezing to death.

I needed to change—both out of my wet clothes and the fact that I still looked like a boy.

"Turn me back," I murmured in Loki's direction. My brother, who seemed to be the only one of us that was not shaking, had already shifted himself. His hair growing out to its normal length and his Midgardian clothes replaced by his Asgardian robes. He gave me a crooked smile before waving his hand. I watched as Darcy was surround by a shimmery green sheen, her hair began to grow longer and within seconds she was back to normal.

"Loki," I growled, my hands balling into fists. That little piece of crap! "Change me back."

"Fine." Loki chuckled before waving his hand again. After a moment I felt hair fall down my back and I grew a tad bit taller. I let out a sigh of relief—partly for being myself again, and partly for not being cold anymore.

"Thank you," I hissed, "but I'm not ready to forgive you just yet."

Another smirk graced Loki's lips, "the transformation spell isn't all that complicated. Shall I preform it again?" My eyes widened quickly and I threw my hands up in front of me.

"No! No, no, no! I'm good! You're forgiven!"


(S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier)

Pandemonium erupted across the bridge as a beam of translucent, variegate light hit the flight deck of the Helicarrier. The massive ship rocked before steadying and as soon as the light appeared, the beam vanished; leaving a woman and a massive intricate craving in it's wake.

The Director quickly dispatched several armed agents to retrieve the woman. Bringing her into the safety of the Helicarrier as well as to question the woman who all the passengers aboard knew. Jane Foster.

Fury was fuming—even more then he already was—by the time Jane stepped into the bridge. His voice echoing off the steel walls of the large world.

"Where is she?" He growled, turning to face the brunette. Jane grew farther into the room, her eyes briefly filtering over the rest of the Avengers sitting around a large round table.

Despite the anger burning in Fury's eyes, Jane did not back down. It had been several years since her first run in with S.H.I.E.L.D. and she had changed since then.

"She is safe," Jane began. A collective sigh swept across the bridge. "For the moment."

"What do you mean?" A voice belonging to the red-assassin asked. Jane's gaze moved to her but Fury spoke again before she could respond.

"Perhaps if she had been returned as Thor was directed, this supposed threat would have been avoided."

"I haven't even told you what has happened, you can't possibly assume that." Jane argued, "and besides, Thor saw how Loki had changed and he made a different call."

A muffled cough came from Clint Barton, bringing his attention from Natasha to Jane. "Yeah, we know a thing or two about making a different call."

"Barton, I let your earlier comment slide." Fury boomed, pointing a finger in Clint's direction. Fury didn't exactly make a threat directly but Clint got the idea, shutting his mouth.

"Sir," Jane spoke again, drawing the Director's attention back to her. "I came here to ask for help."



I narrowly escaped from being turned back into a boy and Loki became bored, finding his way into the kitchen where Darcy was busy putting away groceries.  She had already put all the food away and she was working on the bag filled with what looked like movies and books.

"Okay," Darcy announced, drawing me over as well, "in order to remain sane, I purchased some entertainment.  I bought some movies and some books.  The books mostly because I know Mr. Your Majesty, likes that kinda stuff."  She glared at Loki as she spoke.

"Hey!"  I protested.  "Books are awesome."

Darcy rolled her eyes, "I'm not saying that they aren't."

I mimicked her action and rolled my own eyes in response. Darcy scoffed and I reached across the counter to grab the bag with the intent of looking through it.

Inside, I found five movies and three books. The movies consisted of; Frozen, Sherlock Holmes, Star Wars: Rogue One, Divergent, and finally, the newest James Bond movie.  It was a wide variety of genres but it would definitely work.

"Movies?"  Loki suddenly questioned, picking up the Frozen case to examine it.  He turned it over in his hands, his brows furling at the cover.

"You'll see soon enough."  I exclaimed before snatching the movie from him and jumping away from the counter.

Darcy laughed before she held out her hand, "hold on there, child.  I'm going to make dinner before you go and start that movie.  We can watch while we eat."

"Okay," I chirped in agreement, coming back over to the counter, "what are we having?"

"Since we really didn't have a breakfast, breakfast, I plan to make breakfast for dinner.  I'm going to make bacon and some awesome type of pancakes that a friend of mine introduced to me.  They're a surprise though."

I scrunched up my nose, "I hate surprises."

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