Chapter One - Flashpoint

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You and Team Flash had just defeated Zoom. Caitlin was still hurting because Zoom/Hunter Zoloman was her boyfriend. Everyone else was shaken up about the death of Henry Allen. Caitlin was too, but she was more torn about her love interest.

A few days after the funeral, you all decided to celebrate the victory against Zoom and to officially welcome Wally into the family. You all went to Joe and Iris' house to celebrate.

"That was almost as hard as when we defeated Thawne!" Cisco said, trying to brighten the mood. You all just chuckled.

"So, Wally, how are you doing?" Barry asked him, breaking the silence.

"I'm alright. I still can't believe my brother is The Flash, though! It's pretty sick!" He replied. Everyone laughed, especially Barry.

"I still can't believe it myself sometimes!" Barry replied. "How about you, Caitlin? If you don't feel comfortable here we understand if you want to leave."

"I'm doing a bit better. Thanks, Barry. I'll stay." Caitlin said.

"Well how's everyone else doing?" You asked.

They all replied with something like, "I'm okay."

"Guys, I have to do something." Barry said right after and sped off somewhere. Almost a second later, he returned, looked a bit different and went around and hugged you all like he hadn't seen you all in years.

"What happened Barry?" You asked, confused.

"I- I went to save my mom. I stayed in that timeline for three months. I came back to now, though."

Everyone was shocked and smothered him with questions, which he answered.

Over time, Barry started pointing out some differences about everyone that no one else seemed to notice. That was when he told everyone about the timeline, Flashpoint.

"The only one who hasn't changed it Caitlin. She seems to be the same as before I left to save my mom. Joe and Wally are closer then before, Cisco, no offense, isn't as funny as he used to be... Oh and Joe and Iris, you two aren't getting along. You were before I left and-" Barry said.

"Wait so you caused me and my dad to fight?" Iris asked, more frustrated.

"I'm sorry!" Barry apologized. "And Y/N, your friends with the super annoying guy I apparently work with."

"Julian? Yeah I've always been friends with him. You just need to lighten up more to each other." You said.

"I will not "lighten up" to him because he's not even supposed to exist!" Barry replied, getting a bit mad at himself. "I'm sorry, everyone." He apologized again. No one responded, except you,

"I have an idea! Barry, come with me." You said, leaving the cortex where you were all gathered.

"Y/N, you know I can't go in here. This is where my arch enemy practically lived." Barry reminded you.

"Just look at this!" You shouted from inside the hidden room in the wall. He stepped in, cautiously. "Ready?" You said, having your hand over the button. The button would reveal an article from April 25th 2024.

"Yeah, I guess." He replied. You pushed the button and saw some changes. All the writing and date were the same except for the journalist's name.

"Where's Iris's name?" Barry asked, panicked.

"Iris's name was on here?" You exclaimed. 

"Yeah. It said "Iris West-Allen"."

""West-Allen"." You smirked.

"Yeah." He chuckled. He then became serious again. "I have to find out what happend to her." He said. He ran again. When he came back, a second later. He made sure nothing changed, it hadn't. He told you and the team what happened.

"I die?" Iris asked, scared. This made Joe and Iris make up instantly.

"Some meta-human kills you." Barry replied.

I Found My Word (Julian Albert and H.R Wells x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now