Chapter Seven - The Realization

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As the weeks went by, you became friends with H.R and Team Flash got it's new big meta villain. It was the villain that kills Iris in the future. He goes by "Savitar". The team found out that Iris dies in the middle of Central City so Barry decided to set a trap for when the time comes.
"I found out the date that you know happens so a few hours before we have guns and stuff ready. I'll be ready to get Iris out of Savitar's reach." Barry explained.
"It's a plan." You replied. Everyone else agreed too.

After the meeting in the cortex, you noticed that H.R wasn't there and no one asked about him. You went to go look for him and found him in Cisco's lab, looking lonely.
"I like your hat." You complemented him as you walked in the room.
"Thanks." He said, softly. You suddenly noticed that the writing on your arm disappeared.
"Oh my god!" You said, staring at the spot in your arm where the writing was.
"What's wrong?" H.R asked and came closer to you.
"N-nothing. I'm sorry I have to go." You then left the lab as fast as you could to find another friend. Preferably Barry, Iris or Caitlin. You were closest with them, especially Barry and Iris.

You went into the speed lab and found Barry.
"Barry!" You exclaimed. He was running on the treadmill and he came to a halt and crashed into the boxes behind him.
"Y/N don't scare me like that!" Barry groaned.
"Sorry! It's just something happened and I'm freaking out! You were the first person I could find!"
"What is it?" Barry adjusted himself.
"My writings gone!"
"Who is it?" Barry asked.
"H.R..." You said.
"H.R? How can it be him when he's from another earth?"
"I don't know but it is! I freaked out in front of him and he was confused. I don't know how to tell him." You said, panicked.
"Okay well... You should just straight up tell him, then Julian." Barry suggested.
"This isn't going to be easy but I'll do it to get it over with. Thanks Barry." You said. He waved bye to you as you left to find H.R again.

You saw H.R wandering the halls, looking around.
"Oh Y/N! There you are! I was looking for you and I sort of went in circles because I'm still getting used to here. Is everything okay?" He asked you.
"Um... Yeah. Listen, there's something I have to tell you..." You said, nervously. You explained how the writing on the arm worked and that your soulmates. "But the thing is, I'm dating someone at the moment so I don't know weather to break up with him or not. Either way, we're going to end up with each other and me and Julian will split. Did you happen to get writing on your arm?" You explained. H.R had to think and process the information for a minute before he could respond.
"First, B.A's gotta be more careful with time travel. Second, you and Julian should stay together for as long as possible before we start something. Like we've only known each other for a few weeks. Third, no I didn't. What did your writing say?" H.R responded.
"It said "Thanks". Also thanks so much for helping me and understanding! I'm going to have to tell Julian now..." You said.
"Good luck." H.R said. You nodded and left Star Labs to go to CCPD.

When you got to CCPD, Julian was working at his desk as usual. You decided to be straight up with the information.
"Julian. There's something I think you should know..." You started.
"Hi beautiful. What's up?" He asked, looking away from his work.
"I found my soulmate." You lifted your sleeve to show that the writing was gone.
"What? Who is it?" He asked, sacredly.
"He's a coworker of mine. His name is H.R." You said.
"Wait a sec. How come I've never heard of him and who gets called by two letters?"
"It's short for "Harrison Wells"."
"The scientist that created the particle accelerator explosion "Harrison Wells"?" Julian couldn't believe what he was hearing. You didn't know how to explain doppelgängers and all that so you went along with what he thought.
"He's so much older then you. Isn't he?"
"No. Around the same age."
"Are you breaking up with me?" Julian asked.
"No! Gosh no! I love you." You said. "Shoot! I have to go now." You got a text from Barry saying there was an emergency.

I Found My Word (Julian Albert and H.R Wells x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now