Chapter Ten - The End... Maybe

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The next day, Cisco was able to find out if H.R's theory was true. The whole team was in the Cortex. Cisco looked worried as he was sitting at the desk in the Cortex with his hand in a fist position on the side of his face holding his head up.
"The odds aren't in your favour, Y/N and Julian..." Cisco said, nervously.
"What do you mean?" Julian asked.
"H.R's theory is incorrect in this situation." Cusco answered.
"W-what?" You said. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You started to cry a little and Julian had one tear. You buried your face in your hands.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." H.R said. He started coming closer to you.
"Don't." Julian blocked off H.R with his hand and wrapped his arms around you. H.R took a few steps back, looking down. You took your face out of your hands and said,
"Can I have some alone time, please? Excuse me." You then walked away from everyone and decided to go home.

When you got home, you changed into your pyjamas and watched T.V to take your mind off reality. In the middle of watching The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, you heard the doorbell ring. You groaned as you paused the movie and went to answer the door.

You opened the door and it was Julian. You opened the door wider and moved out of the way so he could come in.
"Y/N. Listen," Julian started. Automatically by the tone of his voice, this wasn't good. "I love you but we might as well end it when we already know that we aren't soulmates. If you'd like, we can end on good terms and be friends." You couldn't really believe what you hearing. Especially since he was the one who said "Screw it".
"Sure." You replied, holding back some tears. Julian then left your house. "Wow." You said to yourself, after your ex left.

You wanted to take the next 2 or 3 days off work to relax and clear your mind after what happened. On day 2, something unexpected happened. You heard the doorbell ring as you were making dinner for yourself. You stopped cooking for a second and answered the door.
"Hi-" You started to say. Then you noticed no one was there. You looked down and saw a bouquet of flowers lying on the mat outside your door. You took the flowers and looked outside to see if anyone was there. You didn't see anyone. You stepped back into your house and closed the door.

You walked back to the kitchen and put your dinner on a plate. Before you ate, you got a vase out of the pantry and filled it half way with water. You opened the wrapped bouquet of flowers and a small card fell out. You put the flowers in the vase and put the vase with flowers as a centrepiece on the kitchen table. You were starving so you ate first then opened the card. When you opened the card, you were surprised to read this,


I'm sorry to hear about you and Julian. I feel awful for being a main cause of it. I hope these flowers will make you consider forgiving me.

Your friend,


I Found My Word (Julian Albert and H.R Wells x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now