Chapter Nineteen - The Music Meister

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As you were all standing around, figuring put ways to get you three out of the coma, H.R was talking and Caitlin interrupted.
"Guys! That man is back. He wants to fight!"
"Great!" Cisco said, sarcastically. "I'll breach to where he is and fight."
"I'll call Wally to help you." Joe said, pulling out his phone to call.

A few minutes later, Cisco, Wally and The Music Meister were outside of Star Labs, ready to fight.
"You scared?" The Music Meister teased.
"I'm not afraid of anything!" Wally shouted.
"Prove it!" The Music Meister shouted back, using Flash's speed to run to Wally and Cisco. The fight began. They punched, kicked, ran and breached for a long time. Caitlin and Iris were shouting in they're ears, telling Cisco and Wally what to do. The Meister then used Supergirl's flight ability to fly away as Wally ran and catch up. Cisco was a bit slower but breached.

At last, The Music Meister was defeated. Wally jogged up to him, lying on the ground.
"Nighty night!" Wally said. "That was for Y/N, Barry and whoever that other girl is."

Wally and Cisco brought him back to Star Labs and put him in the meta cell. Iris, Mon-El and H.R decided to have a chat with him.
"What did you do to them?" Iris asked.
"I'm teaching them a lesson." He answered.
"Who are you?" H.R asked.
"The Music Meister." He replied, calmly.
"Fix them! Now!" Iris demanded.
"I can't do that." He said.
"If you want to get out of that cell that's what you're going to do." Mon-El snapped.
"They're the only ones in control of what happens." The Music Meister explained. "Same for you three."
"What? How?" Iris asked, confused.
"Do you love him?" The Music Meister asked Iris.
"Yes..." Iris replied, feeling guilty of ending the engagement.
"Mon-El, do you love Kara?" He asked Mon-El. It took him a while to answer, but he said yes. "Harrison, do you love Y/N?"
"Yes, of course!" H.R replied, instantly.
"So now you need to figure it out! That was a hint." The Meister said, clapping his hands.
"How are we to do that?" Mon-El asked.
"That, I'm afraid I can't tell you."
"Well this was pointless!" H.R exclaimed, frustratedly.

Him, Iris and Mon-El walked away from the cell and went back to the Med Lab. Everyone went back to planning.

I Found My Word (Julian Albert and H.R Wells x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now