Chapter Twelve - Random Punch

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On the way to your house, you were chatting about The Iris problem and your soulmates.
"So, what's the plan for you and H.R right now? I'm sure he knows, right?" Caitlin asked, looking at the road.
"Yeah, he knows. We just plan on being friends for now and see where the universe takes us." You answered.
"Sounds good. Your going to be together eventually so I think that's the safest thing to do."
"Yeah... what about you and Julian?" You asked Caitlin.
"We haven't talked to each other since we found out. I don't know if I should approach him or not." Caitlin answered you.
"Well, I say you do because like you said, "Your going to be together eventually"." You quoted her.
"Yeah, your right. Do you know if he's going to come in tomorrow?"
"I assume so. I think he's pretty scared for himself and what's been going on. It's a lot to take in. If he doesn't you can just go into CCPD." You said. Caitlin pulled into your driveway. "Thanks for driving me home, Cait."
"Cait, your very lucky." You winked at her and walked into your house.

The next morning, you were the first one to arrive at work. You sat in a chair in the Cortex and drank your coffee.
"It wasn't really sad, the way they said goodbye. Or maybe it just hurt so bad, she couldn't cry. He packed his things, walked out the door and drove away. And she became-"
You sang. You then were interrupted.,
"The girl from yesterday." It was none other then H.R, singing along, walking into the Cortex. You were startled.
"Oh my God! H.R don't do that!" You chuckled, putting your hand on your chest.
"Sorry! I heard that song on the radio this morning on my way here and thought I'd join you." H.R said, chuckling too.
"Are you an Eagles fan?" You asked. H.R sat down next to you.
"Is that the band name? I never heard of them. Although, there was a band on my earth that went by a different animal themed name. They were called "The Beatles"." H.R said. You nearly died laughing when he said that.
"The Beatles exist here too! There one of my favourite bands!" You laughed and explained.
"Oh, really! What are their names?" H.R asked.
"John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr."
"The Earth Nineteen Beatles are named "John Legend, Paul Simon, George Washington and Harry Styles.". There was a fifth member who was only with them for one year, her name was "Stevie Nicks"." You laughed even harder. H.R looked confused "What's so funny, now?"
"Here, John Legend is a solo musician from today, Paul Simon was apart of a duo known as Simon and Garfunkel, then went solo back in the seventies. He retired though. George Washington was the first U.S president, Harry Styles used to be in a band called "One Direction" then went solo now-a-days and Stevie Nicks used to be apart of a band called "Fleetwood Mac"." You explained to him.
"Oh my goodness! That's hilarious!" H.R started laughing hard as well. "But back to The Eagles, I've never heard of them. I like that song we were singing though. What's it called?"
"'The Girl From Yesterday"."
"Sorry I'm late, guys!" Barry swooped in.
"Don't worry. Everyone else is too." You said to Barry.
"B.A, did you know that The Beatles exist on Earth Nineteen as well?" H.R said to Barry.
"Of course they do! Their the best, next to Coldplay." Barry replied.
"They're good, but The Beatles is better." You objected.
"I disagree but we can save this topic for later. Cisco and the others said they would be here soon and we can get started on defeating metas and planning." Barry said, seriously.

When everyone showed up, you all did as Barry said you would.

Once you were done planning, you went to Caitlin and started walking in the hall.
"So, did you talk to him yet?" You asked, cheekily.
"I tried to when we were in the elevator together but it was just too awkward to say anything. What's he like?" Caitlin asked.
"He's not like other guys, for sure. He's kind, really smart, fun to be around and special." You said. Caitlin opened her mouth to speek, but another voice carried hers out.
"You think I'm special?" Julian asked, smirking and leaning against the wall.
"Jesus Christ Julian! You scared me!" You said, taken aback. You had your hand on your chest, so did Caitlin. You were both panting for a few seconds.
"Please don't do that again!" Caitlin said.
"Y/N, please answer the question. You think I' special?" Julian repeated, more seriously.
"Yes." You replied, simply. There was an awkward silence. You and Julian locked eyes and said nothing.
"I'll let you two sort this out." Caitlin then left you two alone in the hall, by the lounge.
"Your special too, Y/N. But we have to get over each other." Julian said, breaking the silence.
"I know. I was just telling Caitlin the truth." You said.
"Y/N... I have to go..." Julian said, speed walking past you in the direction Caitlin went in.

Julian walked with his head down, past H.R and Cisco's shared lab. He then stopped in his steps, looked up and slowly started walking backwards. He stopped at the shared lab and looked in the open door. H.R was there, typing on his computer. Julian, looked behind him left and right and walked into the lab. He walked up to H.R and gave him a hard punch in the face. H.R was startled and fell off his chair.
"W-What?" H.R stood up, grabbing the chair for balance. "Julian?" H.R questioned, looking up at him. "What was-" Then another punch came in his face.
"You- Better- Treat- Her/Him/Preferred- Right!" Julian said, throwing punches and slaps after each word. H.R was on his knees, trying to get up but every time he tried, he got punched or kicked back down.
"J-" H.R tried to talk but got interrupted by a slap.
"Your an idiot!" Julian shouted at H.R, angrily. "A bloody, dumb baboon!" He then kicked H.R in the stomach. He groaned loudly in pain and lied on the ground.
"Please stop! It's not my fault!" H.R said, shakily. He was finally able to say something without being interrupted, painfully.
"Your Y/N's! I'm not! I don't love Caitlin and it's not bloody fair!" Julian shouted, crying a little. "I SHOULD BE HERS/HIS/THEIRS! Not you!" He shouted, more forcefully. Julian was panting, taking a few steps back from a beaten up H.R. H.R stood up. He had bruises on his face and his shirt was ripped in the stomach area. There was also a bruise where the shirt rip was.
"I know." He said, calmly to Julian. "But we just have to go with what the universe says."
"Do you love her/him/preferred?" Julian asked, calmly.
"I don't know." H.R responded. Julian and H.R looked at each other for a few awkward seconds until Julian walked away out the lab.

Julian was walking back in the direction Caitlin went in, toward the Cortex. When he went into the Cortex, he saw Caitlin.
"Caitlin, I need to ask you something." Julian said.
"What's up?" She asked.
"Since we're... you know... soulmates, do you love me?" He asked her. Caitlin took a while to answer, but she did,
"I don't know yet. I know I will one day, though. So might as well say yes."
"Alright. I know you don't mean it, yet, so I love you too." Julian said, awkwardly. There was a silence that you broke a minute later by walking in with H.R.
"Caitlin! I need you to check him!" You said, panicked.
"H.R what happened?" Caitlin asked, worried as well.
"I... I fell on the stairs." H.R lied. Julian gave him a private look of guilt.
"Why didn't you take the elevator?" You asked H.R.
"I wanted the exercise, I guess." He lied again. That made Julian feel more guilty.
"Alright. Come with me." Caitlin said, taking him into the Med Lab.
"I'll help you." Julian offered.
"Okay. I keep forgetting your a doctor." Caitlin commented. Julian followed Caitlin and H.R into the Med Lab. You waited in the Cortex for them.

In the Med Lab, Caitlin needed to get some appliances that were in her lab so she left for a bit.
"Why did you lie for me?" Julian asked, getting some after-appliances ready.
"I'm giving you a chance to be the bigger person and tell the truth to Y/N yourself." H.R explained.
"She'll/He'll/They'll be upset at you for lying too, won't she/he/they?" Julian said.
"I'll deal with that. You focus on what you have to do." Caitlin then came in with a tray of appliances.
"I'm not going to hurt you or anything, just a minor check up. It looks pretty bad, to be honest." Caitlin explained. "Julian hand me the cloth please." She asked him. Julian did as she said.

After the check up was done, they came out and told you he was fine.
"That's good to hear. Thanks Cait and Julian!" You thanked the doctors. Julian walked up to you, looking nervous.
"Y/N, can I talk to you in private?" Julian asked you.
"Balcony?" You asked. Julian nodded and led the way to the balcony.

Once you reached there, Julian started talking.
"I need to confess something..." Julian started off.
"What is it?" You asked, curiously.
"H.R didn't fall off the stairs." Julian said. You looked at him very confused. "I beat him up." Julian confessed. You slapped him across the face.
"How could you do that! And why?" You asked, shocked.
"I don't know what came over me! I'm sorry!"
"Bull crap! Tell me the reason!" You shouted.
"It was jealousy! Okay?"
"Jealousy?" You questioned.
"I heard you two singing this morning. It was like he read your mind. It was like, watching a romantic scene in a movie. The way he looked at you, and you looked at him. I wish we had that. Me and Caitlin certainly don't." Julian explained. You had no idea what to say, but you knew you had to say something.
"I'm not the one you should say sorry to." You then walked away, angry, leaving Julian by himself on the balcony.

I Found My Word (Julian Albert and H.R Wells x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now