Chapter Fifteen - Supergirl

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Weeks passed and you and Team Flash drew nearer and nearer to defeating Savitar. But in terms of personal, Barry and Iris' engagement broke off because Iris found out Barry purposed just to change the future. Joe and Cecile have been dating for two weeks. Julian and Caitlin went on a "trial date". They aren't together but they went on a date to possibly change they're minds. And finally, you and H.R have been happily been dating for a month.

One day, you took a day off work to spend with Barry and help him get over his and Iris' break up. At this point, Barry hadn't been at work in two days. Luckily, there haven't been any unexpected meta attacks. Barry got kicked out of the apartment so he moved in with Cisco. When you got to Cisco's house, Barry was lounging on the couch and watching musicals in sweat pants and a hoodie while eating ice cream.
"Hey Barry." You greeted him. Barry turned around and looked at you.
"Hi." He mumbled.
"Look, you gotta get up on your feet again. Iris will come around. She's your soulmate!" You said, sitting next to him on the couch. He paused the movie and looked at you.
"Yes, but what if that's where we end. I'll be alone from now on." Said Barry, sadly.
"You're not alone. And this isn't the end. Trust me." You said.
"I'd like to believe that too."
You then heard the door open. You and Barry turned around and looked. It was Cisco.
"Guys we need you both at work! H.R told me somethings happening." Cisco said. At that, Barry swept you off the couch and Cisco off the ground and ran you to Star Labs.

In a second, you were all in the breach room, watching a portal being opened. Barry was in his Flash suit. Suddenly, a man came through carrying Supergirl in his arms.
"Supergirl?" Questioned Cisco.
"She's hurt. But whoever did it, is coming to this world." The man said.
"Wait, who are you?" Barry asked, cautiously.
"I'm Mon-El, Kara's... friend. Sorta. We've been kissing a lot..." Mon-El replied.
"Oh my!" Iris and H.R said.
"This way." Caitlin led them to the Med Lab. Everyone followed.

Once you were in the Med Lab, everyone circled around Kara in the bed.
"What happened to her?" Iris asked.
"Some meta prisoner attacked her and put her in a coma. The meta disappeared, we tracked him and followed him here." Mon-El answered. Suddenly, a new voice started speaking,
"Hello Barry Allen." They said.
"You know my name?" Barry asked, confused.
"I know a lot of things. And I can do a lot of things to." The man replied, cooly.
"What do you want with Supergirl?" Barry asked. Julian and Joe decided to get they're guns ready.
"Same thing I want with you. To teach you both a lesson."

Flash and the man started fighting.
"That all you got?" The man said, savagely after taking a fast punch. "You're too slow!" He shouted. The man then pinned Barry down and looked him in the eyes. Suddenly, Barry was knocked out like Kara. He slowly started walking toward you. "I know your really important to him." He pinned you against a wall and looked you in the eyes too. You tried to fight back but couldn't. Everyone knew what was going to happen.
"Take me instead!" H.R protested.
"Or me!" Julian volunteered.
"Good night Y/N." The man pinning you said. You were then knocked out. Everything went black.

I Found My Word (Julian Albert and H.R Wells x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now