Chapter Twenty - The War

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You, Barry and Kara were back at the restaurant. You were backstage, talking and planning.
"We need to finish this musical." Kara said.
"Yeah." Barry agreed.
"Hey, Cutta!" You shouted. He looked at you. He was sitting by the piano. "Do you happen to know anything original?"
"Yes I do!" He then started playing notes on the piano.
"I'm your super friend!" Barry sang. He started tap dancing which made you and Kara laugh.
"I'm your super friend!" Kara repeated.
"When you need a complement, I can riddle off a dozen!" You sang.
"I'm your super friend! Your super friend!" You all sang.

You all then performed the song.
"I'm your super-!" Barry and Kara sang.
"That has a triple meaning," You sang.
"FRIEND!" You all finished the song. Everyone cheered, applauded and threw roses at the stage where you all were performing. Everyone loved you. Apart of your guys' plan was to run off stage and out the back of the restaurant.

So you did. You all heard familiar voices shouting and the sounds of guns loading.
"You're going to hell!" The look alike Joe shouted. Him and Stein loaded they're guns. So did the look alike Mon-El's dad on the other end of the street.
"I'd never let my son be with a scoundrel of a daughter!" He shouted and Joe and Martin Stein.
"Take that back bastard!" Stein shouted. They were all pointing they're guns at one another. Two against one.
"Whoa..." Barry said, nervously. They then started shooting, madly with poor aim. Barry ran out in front of them shooting, both hands out at his sides.
"STOP!" He shouted, next thing he knew. He was shot by Joe on accident. Barry was shouting in pain.
"Barry!" You shouted, running to him. You got shot too. Kara had no choice but to run to you both. She got shot too. You all laid, bleeding on the ground, spaced out from one another in the middle of the street in between the war.

On the other end, at Star Labs, the machines monitoring you all started beeping like crazy.
"I think were loosing them!" Caitlin shouted, worried.
"Cait, get the heart shockers!" Julian shouted. She knew what he meant and gave them to him.
"Y/N! Don't leave me! Please!" H.R was saying, praying hopelessly, crying and holding your hand tightly.
"Out of the way!" Julian shouted at H.R. Julian was coming through and putting the heart shockers on your chest. He did the same for the others and it didn't work.
"Barry, don't go!" Iris said.
"Kara..." Mon-El whispered.
"Cisco breach us there!" Iris pleaded.
"I don't think it works that way." Cisco said.
"You've breached me into the speed force before! This should work!" Iris protested.
"Fine. I'll try." Cisco said. Iris, Mon-El and H.R gathered around Cisco. He was able to breach them to you, Barry and Kara.

"Barry!" Iris shouted, running to him. H.R ran to you and Mon-El to Kara.
"Barry! Stay with me!" Iris pleaded as she held his head up in her hands. "I'm sorry we broke up! I know you were just trying to keep me safe and I love you more then anything in all the Earths!" Iris said, fast while crying. Barry was to hurt to speak so he smiled in reply. Iris gave Barry one last kiss on the lips before he died. Suddenly, they disappeared. Mon-El and H.R saw it happen.
"Do you think they went home?" H.R asked.
"When I kiss Kara, and we disappear, it means yes!" Mon-El answered. He kissed her and they disappeared.
"In case it doesn't work. Just know I love you, so much. Your everything to me." H.R said, crying a little. He then placed his lips on yours and you disappeared from the streets like the rest of them.

You were all then back in the Med Lab. H.R took his lips off yours and you sat up.
"Oh my God..." You said, looking around.
"That happened I guess." Barry said.
"You learned your lesson!" Pipped the Music Meister. You all looked at him, knowing what he was talking about and nodded. "Put a little love in your heart..." He sang, making the heart symbol with his hands. He then disappeared.
"I love you." You looked at H.R. He smiled and kissed you.
"I love you too."

I Found My Word (Julian Albert and H.R Wells x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now