Chapter Thirteen - The Second Realization

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You decided to find H.R again as you were walking away from Julian. Questions were filling your head. You knew H.R would be in his lab, so you headed there. On the way though, you bumped into Iris.
"Oh sorry!" She exclaimed taking a step back. You just grunted and kept walking. You could tell Iris was giving you a strange look, but you didn't care. "Y/N what's wrong?" She asked, following behind you.
"Not now, please." You said to her, not turning around.

You turned into H.R and Cisco's lab and found H.R typing on the computer. When you came up to him, he closed the computer and faced you.
"Why did you lie for Julian?" You asked, immediately.
"Well hello to you too. I lied for him because I wanted to give him the chance to tell you the truth which I assume he did or you wouldn't be here right now." H.R explained.
"Oh. Well that was nice of you, I guess." You said, still a little confused.
"I'm sorry." H.R said.
"Don't be. It's not your fault."
"Did Julian tell you why he beat me?" H.R asked, standing up from his desk. You both started walking  slowly m through the halls to the Cortex.
"He did, but I don't think I should say."
"Well I'd like to know so it would be easier to forgive him."
"Ask him. He's out on the balcony I'm pretty sure." You said.
"Okay. Do you mind coming with me incase things get heated again. Just stand inside." H.R asked.
"Sure." You replied as you both turned around, walking quicker to the balcony. "Are you okay?" You asked.
"I'm doing good. Still soar but good." You then reached the balcony. Julian was still standing there, looking at the view of the road. You stood back inside and watched H.R and Julian talk.

"Hey." H.R greeted Julian, keeping his distance.
"I won't bite." Julian said, jokingly a bit. H.R came closer but at a reasonable distance.
"Why did you beat me up? You shouting that you deserve Y/N didn't explain much." H.R said.
"Honestly, I was jealous." Julian continued to explain to him about this morning and everything he told you.
"Oh. I'm sorry. Maybe I should just hang back a bit from her/him/them."
"Don't. I was being stupid. I'm sorry." Julian apologized.
"You're forgiven." H.R said, kindly. "Friends?" He questioned.
"I guess." Julian agreed, slightly. "You know, if my sister Emma were alive, she would have been beating you up still." Julian chuckled. H.R laughed a bit along with him.
"I should get going. Until next communion." H.R tipped his hat slightly and walked off the balcony back to you inside.
"Cheers." Julian said, watching him leave.

You and H.R walked into the parking lot to your cars. You had parked a few spaces apart. H.R told you how it went with Julian.
"I'm glad it worked out." You smiled. "See you tomorrow."
"Bye." H.R waved to you, getting in his car. He then drove away and you followed him out of the parking lot, leaving Star Labs.

This was your chance to clear your head, but Iris called you. You answered the call and talked to her while driving.
"Y/N what's wrong?" Iris asked again.
"I'm sorry. I was just dealing with stuff." You said.
"Tell me about it." Iris said. You explained everything to her. She was shocked. "Well, it worked out in the end and that's good. Do you love him?" She asked.
"Who Julian?" You asked.
"Um... I'm not sure."
"Well you will one day." You and Iris laughed.
"Do you love Barry?" You asked Iris.
"Of course I do!"
"Right, stupid. I forgot you were dating for a second."
"I forget sometimes too!" Iris joked. "Well I have to go now, see you tomorrow!" By that tike you were home. Iris hung up the phone after you said bye.

You walked into your house and finally cleared your mind, talking to yourself.
"Have I fully moved on from Julian? Well even if I haven't, I have no choice. I have to. And H.R... do I love him? I mean he's sweet, funny, kind, selfless... Julian can be sweet, he's funny and smart. H.R's smart too... H.R's also very genuine and cute. Really cute... Oh gosh. I love H.R Wells! This is probably this soulmate thing tricking me! But I knew it would happen one day... I guess it's settled." You then decided to start making dinner while listening to music. You put on some shuffled music from your playlist.

The next day you went to work and you weren't the first one there.
"Morning Y/N!" Barry greeted you. He then got a text on his phone. "Julian just texted saying he's going to be late. He has a CCPD case to work on."
"Sorry I had to send him on that." Joe explained.
"That's alright." Barry said. Everyone else had come in.
"So I'm going to run to see if anything changed." Barry said.
"Be careful." You and Iris said. Barry ran out of the Cortex and came back a second later.
"Something changed. Joe and H.R are on the roof of a building ready to shoot Savitar." Barry explained.
"That's good, right?" Joe asked, making sure.
"Iris still died. We're all too late." Barry answered, sadly. Joe walked over to Iris and hugged her, not letting go. You wrote down what Barry explained on the white board. "We have to plan more."

You all did planning and got to work.

During lunch, you decided to take a break and see H.R in his lab. Cisco was there too.
"Hello!" You greeted them.
"Hey." They both said. You walked over to H.R 's desk with butterflies in your stomach.

"How's your work going?" You asked him.

"It's okay. A little tough since I haven't been here for as long as the rest of you. I still need to catch up a bit and learn about the stuff you did in the past, defeating Reverse Flash and Zoom." He replied.

"Yeah. Do you need some help?" You offered.

"Sure." H.R moved out of his seat for you to take. You sat down and he stood beside you peering over your shoulder. "How did you do that?" He asked, amazed. You figured out a situation to do with "The Iris Problem".

"I don't know. I sort of pieced two things together." You explained badly, closing the tabs on his computer.

"You're really smart, you know." He looked at you and smiled.

"Thanks. You are too." You smiled back, standing up from the chair. "You should tell the others that you found out."

"But you did." H.R said, confused.

"They don't know that." You said, cheekily.

"Actually, I do." Cisco chimed in, scaring you both. You and H.R had forgotten he was there, just a desk away.

"The others don't know that. " You chuckled, correcting yourself. "Cisco don't tell anyone."

"Sure." He said, getting back to work.

"Are you sure you don't want the credit? After all, you deserve it." H.R asked you.

"You take it." You insisted.

"Thanks Y/N." He smiled and walked out of the lab, going to tell the others. You then had this odd feeling. You needed to do something.

You went after H.R before he could get to the others.

"Hey, wait up!" You said, speed walking to him. He turned around and stopped walking, waiting for you.

"Mhm?" He asked.

"Do you want to get a drink after work?" You asked.

"Yeah, I'd like that." He accepted the offer.

You both then went into the Cortex where everyone was discussing their solutions.

"I found out that if before Barry starts running, Joe and I can start taking shots at Savitar." H.R chimed in when everyone fell silent. He looked at you and winked. You smiled and hid your blush.

"That could work..." Joe trailed off.

"But you guys are too far away for taking shots early. Iris might earlier. We can add that in though, worth a try." Barry said, writing the idea on the white board. Some of the ideas were along the lines of getting everyone guns and shooting or getting Wally to run with Barry for double speed.

You all continued to discuss until the end of the day.

I Found My Word (Julian Albert and H.R Wells x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now