Chapter Eleven - Back To Work

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You weren't sure why, but this had a big effect on you. You knew none of this was H.R's fault but the universes. And maybe Barry's. But Barry didn't mean it, so you couldn't blame him. You changed out of your pyjamas and into some casual but presentable clothes, took the keys and left your house.

You took your car down the street and drove. You had no idea where you were going, so you pulled over.
"Hey Siri call H.R." You said to your phone. Your phone was plugged into your car so the phone echoed as it said,
"On it!" And the phone rang. After 1 ring, a voice said,
"H.R! Where are you at the moment?" You asked him.
"I'm at home. Why?" He asked.
"Don't leave! Also do you mind telling me where you live?"
H.R gave you his address and then said,
"Can't wait to see you." This oddly made your heart skip a beat.
"Yeah... Me too... Bye..." You said slowly. As you pulled off the side of the road and continued to drive. You scolded yourself,
"What the heck was that! "Me too"! I'm a mess! You know what, this is probably because he's my soulmate. I should just relax and be normal. Shoot. I'm here already. You got this Y/N..."

You then got out of the car and took a deep breath. You walked up to H.R's door and rang the doorbell. You took a step back, leaving a reasonable distance between you and him (for once he answers the door). You heard the door open not even 15 seconds later and H.R let you in.
"Hey Y/N! Make yourself at home!" H.R welcomed you.
"I wanted to say thanks for the flowers. I love them!" You said, sitting on the couch. He sat beside you.
"Your welcome, Y/N. But why come all the way here just to say that? Can't you just text?" He asked.
"I can but I felt like I had to say that in person." You answered. H.R chuckled.
"Well your welcome again. By the way, I'm really sorry if it was my fault and-" He said, but you cut him off.
"No it wasn't your fault. Besides, me and Julian ended on good terms. You have nothing to be sorry for or to feel guilty about." You put your hand on his shoulder.
"I'm glad." H.R sighed in relief.
"Yeah. I love your house! How did you settle in so fast?" You changed the subject, looking around. His house was a small bungalow that looked very comfortable.
"B.A helped me get everything set and the way I wanted it." He explained. "Gosh, he's so fast!" You laughed.
"He sure is!"
"Can I offer you some wine?" H.R asked.
"Sure, why not." You smiled, as he left to get it.
"Red or white?" He shouted from the kitchen while you were in the living room.
"White please!" You shouted back.
H.R came back with two glasses and a bottle pf white wine. "Thank you." You said. You and H.R chatted for a while and drank.

Later, you both were drunk and fell asleep on the couch. The bottle was almost empty and your glasses laid on the coffee table next to the bottle. You and H.R were close to each other, lying on the couch. His head was on your shoulder and your head was on his. Your leg was on top of both his legs.

The next morning, you were both awaken by a short but high scream.
"Ah!" When you opened your eyes, you saw Cisco. Then you realized that you and H.R were in a weird position. You both awkwardly scrambled off each other and you stood up from the couch.
"Cisco how did you get here?" You asked. Your heart was beating fast because of the scare.
"I breached here." You then remembered he has to wear special glasses and that he had them on.
"Oh, right. Why are you here?" You asked. Your heart rate was coming to normal now.
"You guys are late for work. I'm not really sure if, Y/N, you want more time off." Cisco explained.
"Sorry. We got drunk." H.R said.
"I'll come in today. I just need to go home and change. Can you breach me?"
"Just a warning you might get more sick but sure." You and Cisco then left H.R in his living room.

In a few seconds you and Cisco were in your bedroom.
"Nice room!" Cisco complemented.
"Thank you!" You said. "Do you mind waiting downstairs while I change?" You asked.
"Right sorry!" Cisco left your room. You put on some fresh clothes and went downstairs where Cisco was ready to breach you back to H.R's house. You had to pick him up because he was unable to drive as well.

You all finally got to Star Labs and everyone's eyes were on you.
"Hey guys." You said.
"How are you doing?" Iris asked you, softly.
"I'm alright. Wait! This completely slipped my mind and came back to me now, how did you all find out about the breakup?" You asked everyone.
"Julian told me, then I told everybody else." H.R answered.
"And why didn't you tell me before?" You asked H.R, looking at him curiously.
"I was tired and forgot to tell you." He replied, quickly.
"Oh." You just said. "So how's everything going with you guys?" You asked.
"Everything is fine. We got more ideas on how to save Iris and how to get rid of Alchemy without killing Julian." Barry explained to you.
"How?" You asked. Barry then explained everything to you.

You all then did the plan. You started with Alchemy. Barry got Julian to sit back in the chair and wear the wires on his head. You all took turns speaking to Savitar.
"No matter what you do, Iris West will die." Savitar, in Julian's body said. "Julian will not escape me either."
"He will!" You exclaimed.
"Iris won't die. Were going to stop you. We know your from the future." Barry said, calmly.
"And there's nothing you can do to stop me because I know everything that happens from now till forever." Savitar snapped. Julian then let his head down and shut his eyes, which meant Savitar didn't have anything else to say. Julian woke up a few seconds later and looked around at everyone.

"Julian, are you okay?" Barry asked, stepping closer to him.

"I'm fine. So do I just ignore him or..." Julian trailed off.

"Yes. And we'll do what we can to protect you from him along side Iris." Barry answered, calmly, looking back and forth between him and Iris. Julian silently agreed and got out of the chair.

As you were all walking back to the Cortex, you held Julian back by the arm. He turned around and looked at you.

"How are you doing?" You asked, once everyone was out of your sight.

"I'm okay, you?" He asked.

"Same. Are we friends?" You asked.

"Of course we are. It just didn't work in that way for us. I wish nothing but happiness for you." Julian said.

"Likewise." You said. You then left to catch up with the others as Julian followed a few steps behind you. Before you stepped into the Cortex, Julian said,

"Wait." You then stepped towards him, away from the Cortex entrance. "H.R's a lucky man." Julian then looked down at his feet, he looked sad. You became sad too.

"Caitlin's a lucky woman." You said, trying to look into his eyes. He then looked into your eyes for a few seconds and went into the Cortex.

You and the team talked more about what Savitar said and planned. Afterward, you decided to head home. Before you could get on the city bus, Caitlin shouted at you,

"Y/N! Wait!" She was running toward you. She took off her heels to catch up faster to you. You turned around and stood there, watching her run. When she got to you, she was panting.

"What's up?" You asked.

"I- I- wanted to know- if- were good." She breathed through. You looked at her, confused. She took a deep breath in before speaking more clearly. "You know, about the soulmates thing. I feel awful for stealing Julian away from you. I'm so sorry, from the bottom of my heart. I don't want this to ruin our friendship. And besides, you have a great, loving guy. So, are we good?"

"Yes, were good." You smiled at her. You then noticed your bus had left. "Shoot..." You said.

"I'll drive you home." Caitlin smiled back. You both walked back to the Star Labs parking lot to go to her car.

I Found My Word (Julian Albert and H.R Wells x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now