Chapter Twenty One - Savitar

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Everyday drew nearer and nearer to Iris' death day. It was now 24 hours until Iris died. The team decided to have a big sleepover at Barry and Iris' apartment so everyone can get some special time with her.

On personal matters since the musical, everyone was obviously scared for Iris. But other then that, Barry and Iris eloped due to her dying, Joe and Cecile's relationship couldn't be better, Caitlin and Julian started dating a few days ago. They finally connected. Finally, you and H.R had had one silly argument over work, but other then that, everything between you two were amazing. Everyone also found out about Frost.

As Iris' death became closer and closer by the second, you were all setting up the plan. While that was happening, Iris was spending her last few hours with special, individual time with you all, one by one. She started with Caitlin, going to get their nails done so Iris could die with pretty hands. Then, H.R taught her a little bit of drums. Julian and her took a walk through the main part of Central City and bonded more since they weren't ever close. Cisco then took Iris for drinks at her favourite bar. Then it was your turn for you two to do some crazy stuff you haven't done in years. For example, you went to a near-by fair and rode all the rollercoasters and ate junk food. After you, she and Barry went dancing. Her final hour before dying, she spent with her dad and brother. The three of them did some West family traditions that would usually be done during holidays.

At the time of Iris to die, the team was all set up. Savitar came and took Iris. Barry was in stance a few feet away, H.R and Joe were ready to shoot from a building behind Savitar, you, Vibe, Frost and Kid Flash were behind Barry ready to fight at his side. Julian was at Star Labs watching from the cams, talking to you all going through the steps and getting the medical equipment ready.
"Say bye to Iris!" Savitar shouted. He then pulled out his weapon. Barry was running as fast as he could toward Iris. Savitar had stabbed her. He then dropped her at his feet and left.
"Iris no!" Barry shouted, holding her in his arms as she was dying. She then took an object out of her pocket and clicked the button. She then turned into H.R. Barry was still sobbing, but confused.
"H.R! NO!" You started crying harder. Barry let you take him out of his arms and you held him. He just smiled and said,
"Y/N-I love you- more then- anything- in the world." He was chocking on himself because he was dying.
"I love you so much! Don't leave me!" You cried.
"You gave- me the- strength to do this. You're so brave." H.R said. You gave him a small kiss on the forehead. In a second, H.R was out of your arms and Barry, who was beside you crying, was gone.
"Barry!" You shouted, hopelessly. H.R was walking toward you. He took out the same object and clicked the button. It was Iris. Iris was walking toward you, crying as well.
"H.R sacrificed himself for me. I'm so sorry, Y/N! I didn't want him too, knowing how it would hurt you. He gave me this and before I could say no, Savitar had taken him." She explained.
"Don't be sorry. He did a very brave thing. That's why I loved him. For his bravery and other qualities." You sobbed. Iris knelt down on the ground with you and held you close. You both hugged and cried.

After 5 minutes of that, your phone rang. It was the emergency ringtone so you picked up right away, not even looking to see who it was.
"Hello?" You answered. You and Iris let go pf each other.
"Y/N! Get down to Star Labs right now! Bring everyone with you!" Julian shouted over the phone. He then hung up.

You did as he said and arrived at Star Labs. You and the rest of the team found Julian and Barry in the Med Lab.
"I think it's best if only Y/N and Caitlin enter at the moment..." Julian said, calmly. You and Caitlin walked in.
"What's wrong?" You asked, worriedly noticing H.R on the bed. Julian was standing at his side and Caitlin on the other, you were by his feet and Barry was near the door.
"We were able to bring H.R back to life." Julian responded.
"What the hell? How?" Caitlin asked, shocked.
"Julian and I did some fast tests and figured out if we gave H.R the leftover V9 that you made for Hunter Zoloman, it would boost his body giving him speed healing and powers. That wasn't enough so I gave some of my speed. Now he's just knocked out." Barry explained. Caitlin was left speechless with her jaw dropped
"Barry, Julian... Oh my God!" You started to cry. You went up to both of them and gave them a hug. "Thank you both! You guys are hero's!"
Suddenly, from the corner of your eye, you saw H.R shoot up and start shaking super fast.
"Ah! What the heck is going on!" He asked shocked, shouting and looking at his vibrating body.
"Hold him down!" Caitlin shouted at Julian. Caitlin took the top half of him and Julian took the bottom. They held him down on the bed until the V9 inside him calmed down. It took 6 minutes for it to stop.
"Guys did Iris die? Why am I here and not with God?" H.R asked, confused as Caitlin and Julian let go of him.
"No. Your not dead because-" Barry explained to H.R about how he was brought back to life.
"I can't thank you enough! You guys are so smart! Is everyone okay?"
"Were fine." You said, smiling with small tears rolling down your cheeks.
"Y/N! Come here!" H.R told you, opening his arms. You hugged each other and he gave you a kiss. He whipped the tears that were falling down your face. "Save your tears. I'm here now. I'm never leaving you again." He smiled. This made you feel a lot better.
"I love you!" You said.
"I love you more." He said.

Caitlin and Julian then allowed H.R to leave the Med Bay and he hugged and talked to everyone. You all celebrated.

I Found My Word (Julian Albert and H.R Wells x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now