Chapter Nine - Snowbert

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Caitlin brought Julian back into the Med lab fo run a few more tests.
"Bloody hell, these meta humans." Julian said, awkwardly, creating small talk.
"I know right!" Caitlin agreed. A minute later, Julian started hyperventilating. "Julian just breath and stay calm. These tests don't hurt." Caitlin said, calmly.
"No, no not that. My writing on my arm disappeared." Julian explained.
"What?" Caitlin looked at her arm and noticed hers was gone too. "But your with Y/N... One of my best friends..."
"I know. Do we tell her? Or anyone?" Julian asked.
"Just to ourselves for now."
"But what if someone notices?"
"Wear long sleeved shirts." Caitlin answered.
"Alright." Julian and Caitlin didn't talk for the rest of the day.

After the tests, Barry, Julian and the team went to the speed room.
"Julian, we need you to sit here and relax." Cecile said. She pulled up a chair for him to sit on and she did the same for herself across from him. She looked into his eyes and concentrated. She read his mind and found nothing on Alchemy other then this evening finding out he was him. "Guys I found nothing. He's telling the truth." Cecile said, suddenly.
"Step two then. Julian, were going to put these ok your head and we need you to relax." Barry said. Julian did as he said and you helped Barry stick on the wires on Julian's head. Before Iris pushed the button on the machine, you gave Julian a quick kiss. Once you were out of the way, Iris pushed the button and Julian was knocked out. He was suddenly back and started talking. But it didn't sound like him.
"The Flash... I will find you... I'm close... Iris West will die! You can't change fate."
"Who are you?" Barry asked right away.
"Savitar..." Savitar responded, in Julian's body. Julian was then knocked out again. A few seconds later, he woke up.
"What happened?" Julian panicked.
"Savitar spoke to us," Barry explained everything to Julian.
"Oh... Wow..." Julian replied. "Would you mind excusing me for a second? I need some air." Julian then left the speed lab and went to the balcony, facing the road.

You caught up with Julian and talked to him.
"How are you feeling?" You asked.
"I'm alright I guess." Julian answered.
"This is scary for me too. We'll get through this, though." You touched his arm and he pulled away, quickly. "Julian?" You questioned.
"Nothing." He said and shifted his arm away from you. You then quickly grabbed his arm and rolled up his sleeve. You saw his writing was gone.
"Who?" You asked.
"Doctor- I mean Caitlin." Julian said.
"Caitlin Snow?" You asked in disbelief. "I mean... You are her type. But she's one of my best friends! How is this possible."
"I'm so sorry, Y/N." He apologized.
"Don't be. This is the universes fault." You then walked off the balcony, whipping tears from your eyes.

You then bumped into someone in the hall.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" You said, looking up. It was H.R.
"Are you okay?" He asked. He put a hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah... I think so. Thanks." You then tried to walk away fast enough before more tears could come. H.R grabbed your hand and spun you around to face him.
"Clearly your not." He said.

Not letting go of your hand, he brought you to his office shared with Cisco.
"Tell me what's wrong, Y/N." H.R said. He patted a seat for you to sit next to him on the table. You explained everything that happened between you, Julian and Caitlin while crying a little to H.R. He didn't mind the crying. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. If he really loves you he would do anything to keep you. I know I would. He wouldn't let Caitlin get in the way." H.R said, half smiling.
"Your right. I'm sorry for dumping all this on you. Especially because your my soulmate and I'm with someone else at the moment." You said. You had stopped crying at that point.
"Well, that's what friends do. They dump each other's problems on each other and the other friend does what they can to help." H.R said. He paused to gather his thoughts for a few seconds. "But you know, soulmate doesn't always mean "Get married and be life partners". It can mean we were destined to be friends in life. Like nothing could keep us apart in that way." H.R concluded. You had to think for a second to understand what he was saying.
"That's a brilliant conclusion! Thank you!" You said. You gave H.R a hug and he hugged you back tightly. "I have to tell Julian-"
"Before it's too late." He finished your sentence. You smiled at him and left to find Julian and Caitlin. You then stopped in your steps. "What's wrong?" H.R asked.
"The other day when we had that meeting why were you in here by yourself and not with us?" You asked, turning around to face him.
"I felt left out. I always have no idea what you're all talking about and it makes me feel stupid. I've missed so much and I can't relate or share my opinions because I'll always be wrong. I was actually planning on leaving in a few days." He explained. This made you feel horrible.
"I'm so sorry we made you feel like that. Your opinions aren't stupid and you most certainly are not. Heck, I came to you for relationship advice and it was the best I could get! Barry or Iris could never top that. Come to the next meeting and don't be afraid to ask questions or say what you think. Please don't leave." You said, comfortingly.
"Thank you Y/N. Go find Julian and Caitlin." He said. You smiled again and this time left.

You found Caitlin with Cisco and Barry in the Cortex. They were talking about Savitar.
"Cait, can I pull you aside for a sec?" You said in the nicest way possible. In reality, you wanted to scream and throw punches but you knew deep down this wasn't her's or Julian's fault.
"Sure thing." She said. She walked away from Barry and Cisco and followed you into the hallway.

Once you and Caitlin were in the hallway, you started talking.
"Why didn't you want to tell me you and my boyfriend are soulmates?" You said, a little angry. To control yourself, you just remembered what H.R told you.
"Julian told you..." She concluded.
"Hell yeah he did! Now explain everything to me!" You yelled.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want it to ruin our friendship because your with him. For now... Apparently me and Julian are destined to be together. I just don't know when." Caitlin said.
"H.R told me something. He said that soulmates aren't always "Get married and be life partners". It can mean you and him destined to be friends in life. Like nothing could keep you guys apart in that way." You explained.
"Yeah. That sounds reasonable. I'll go tell him!" Said Caitlin.
"Wait. If you don't mind, do you mind if I do? You can ask Cisco to look into it? But when you do, bring H.R with you to explain more clearly."
"Yeah of course! So just to make sure, were good, right?" Caitlin asked.
"Yes." You both then left the hallway. You went to find Julian and Caitlin went to find H.R.

You found Julian at CCPD and explained to him H.R's theory.
"Alright... I guess that makes sense. But the term "soulmate" generally means "life partners" and being in a relationship, like romantically." Julian spoke.
"Yes, but what if this isn't the case. Cisco is going to do more research on it and tell us. Also, I thought Caitlin was doing more tests on you?" You said.
"No she's done now. Let me know on anything' about this "soulmates" thing or Alchemy." Julian said.
"Okay. Bye." You said, leaving.
"Wait!" Julian called out. You turned around and looked at your boyfriend. "I love you." He smiled.
"I love you more." You replied, smiling back. You then left CCPD and went back to Star Labs.

I Found My Word (Julian Albert and H.R Wells x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now