Chapter Eight - Alchemy

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Barry had called you to Star Labs for an emergency.
"What's wrong Barry?" You asked once you got there.
"We found a meta villain who is like Savitar's assistant." Barry said.
"Who?" You asked.
"We don't have a name but here is what he looks like." Barry showed you a picture of him on his phone. He wore an all black suit with a hint of green. He also had a black mask covering his face.
"He looks creepy. Do we have a latest location?" You commented. Suddenly after you spoke, a loud alarm went off.
"Now we do!" Cisco answered.

Barry sped over to Alchemy and the rest of you watched from Star Labs. Once Alchemy was knocked out, Barry removed his mask. Barry was blocking your view of Alchemy so Barry sped back to Star Labs and showed you all. Alchemy is Julian Albert.
"Julian?" You questioned in disbelief.
"So, this is your boyfriend?" H.R asked. You just nodded.
"I don't know how this is possible. Caitlin can you run some tests on him?" Barry asked.
"Yeah. It won't take long." Caitlin replied as she took the top half of Julian and helped Barry bring him to the Med Lab. You followed behind them, scared and worried.

After about 10 minutes of waiting, you went in and asked Caitlin what was going on.
"He's fine. He just has a mild concussion and he should wake up soon." Caitlin said. You and Caitlin then chatted about how you were going to talk to Julian about him being Alchemy and you were debating weather to break up with him or not. Julian then woke up after 5 minutes of you and Caitlin talking.
"Where am I?" Julian panicked.
"Your at Star Labs." Caitlin answered, calmly. "You have a mild concussion and your going to stay here tonight for... some questioning. I'll leave you two alone for a minute." Caitlin said as she was about to leave.
"Wait!" Julian said. "Who are you?" He asked.
"Doctor Snow. Nice to meet you, Julian."
"How do you know me?" Caitlin had left before she could answer.
"It's okay, Julian. She's my friend Caitlin I talk about." You said.
"Oh. What happened?" Julian asked.
"I don't know. You tell me." You said, coldly.
"I don't know that's why I'm asking." He snapped. You then realized he lost some of his memories.
"I'll he right back." You said, leaving Julian in the Med bay.

You went back to the Cortex to find Barry.
"I need you to put on your Flash suit and talk to Julian." You told Barry.
"Why? I thought you were doing the talking?" He asked. He peered over your shoulder to look at Julian.
"I don't know what to say and I'm still trying to process all of this. Please, Barry?" You asked.
"Alright." Barry agreed. He sped changed into the suit and walked into the Med bay.

"Julian Albert Desmond." Barry said, activating his deep disguised voice. The same one he used with Iris before she found out he was The Flash. "Does this man look familiar to you?" Barry showed Julian a picture of Alchemy.
"No. Can I leave please?" Julian asked.
"No." Barry replied. "This man is named "Alchemy". Your him. You work with another meta villain named "Savitar". Are you sure you don't remember anything?" Barry said, showing pictures of Alchemy and Savitar.
"I don't work for any meta humans! I'm a CSI specialist in them though."
"If I show you something will you trust me?" Barry asked, cautiously.
"Sure. Whatever." Julian said. Barry first showed him security footage of him taking off Alchemy's mask and it revealing Julian. Then, Barry took off his mask and showed his identity.
"B-Barry?" Julian stuttered. That was the first tike Julian called Barry "Barry" instead of "Allen". "This explains all the late check ins with work and the slack offs you've been getting!" Julian said. "Your The Flash?" Julian couldn't believe it.
"Yes. Put on this and meet me in that room over there." Barry gave Julian his suit back and pointed at the Cortex.

A minute later Julian slowly walked into the Cortex where all of Team Flash was staring at him.
"Hello?" Julian questioned. No one answered. "Just so you all know, the only people here I know are Y/N, Allen, Iris, Detective West, Cecile Horton and I met Doctor Snow today."
"You can call me "Caitlin"." She said.
"Caitlin." Julian repeated.
"Julian, this is Cisco and H.R." Barry introduced them.
"Pleasure."Julian said, uncomfortably. "So what can I do about this Alchemy thing? I don't want to be a bad guy."
"Come with me." Caitlin said, bringing him somewhere. "I need to run a few more tests I didn't get a chance to do."

I Found My Word (Julian Albert and H.R Wells x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now