Chapter Four - The Fight

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The next day, you went to work and told Caitlin and Cisco about the other night.
"That was a smooth move!" Cisco said, talking about the locked car door.
"That sounds a little scary but as long as he didn't hurt you..." Caitlin said.
"It's fine, Cait. Honestly, it was nice!" You admitted.

Back at CCPD, Barry had a talk with Julian.
"So how was the date?" Barry asked.
"Don't you know already? I bet Y/N told you." Julian replied.
"No she didn't." Barry lied. He wanted to see his point of view. Julian explained the night the same way you did.
"You could have killed her/him/them by locking the door." Barry said, frustrated.
"What? Allen stop, I would never!" Julian said.
"You could have killed her/him/them by locking the door!" Barry yelled, repeating himself. Barry got up from his desk, marched over to Julian and punched him in the eye.
"Bloody hell, Allen!" Julian shouted, falling off his char. He stood up, walked to Barry and punched him on the side of the face. This went on for about another ten minutes with some kicks and tackles until Joe walked in.
"Whoa! Cut it out!" Joe shouted, separating Barry and Julian. They were pretty beaten up by each other. "What's going on?" He asked more calmly.
"Barry started fighting me after I told him about my date last night." Julian said, achingly.
"What happened on the date that was so bad?" Joe asked, concerns rising.
"He locked her/him/them in the car and started kissing her!" Barry shouted.
"Iris?" Joe asked.
"No, Y/N." Barry replied. Joe started laughing.
"Barry! Are you jealous of Y/N? I thought you'd be fighting him because it was Iris who went on the date!"
"No! I'm not jealous of Y/N and Iris and I are sort of dating now." Barry concluded.
"After all this time... That's great news!" Joe congratulated Barry and patted him on the shoulder.
"How did that not hurt you? I hit you hard on the shoulder." Julian said, confused.
"I don't know. Point being," Barry changed the subject back to you and Julian. "don't lock Y/N in the car again because she/he/they could have died."
"Barry that wasn't a near death experience." Joe said. Barry looked at him confused. "That was a smooth play!" Joe laughed and high five'd Julian. Julian didn't enjoy it, he felt awkward.
"Whatever, man." Barry said, getting back to work. By that time, Barry's speed healing had fully kicked in and he was normal. On the other hand, Julian was aching all over but not so much he needed to go to a hospital. Barry and Julian didn't talk for the rest of the day.

Later during the day at Star Labs, Barry had to save some metas and you helped out but stayed in the cortex with Caitlin and Iris. Once the meta was defeated and Barry came back, you, him and Iris had a chat.
"Joe told me some things!" You smiled. "You two are dating!"
"Wow congratulations!" Caitlin and Cisco said, eavesdropping. "Jinx!" They both said "Jinx again!" Caitlin couldn't end up talking till he said her name.
"Congrats!" You said.
"Thank you, Y/N." Barry said, speaking for himself and Iris.
"I also heard about the fight." You said, more sternly.
"What fight?" Iris questioned.
"I got into a small fight with Julian, that's all." Barry said.
"Of course you did." Iris said, sassily.
"Barry I'll let you know that I'm fine and it was a nice kiss. Please don't fight him again unless it's life threatening." You said.
"Fine." Barry replied. You filled Iris on the date night and why the fight happened.

I Found My Word (Julian Albert and H.R Wells x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now