Chapter Theee - Date Night

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When you got back to work at Star Labs, you saw Caitlin working in the Med Bay.
"Hey Caitlin! I have something to tell you!" You said to her, excitedly.
"What's up?" She asked, working with test tubes filled with medicine.
"I have a boyfriend now!" You revealed, excitedly.
"Barry?" She asked, more of intrigued in the conversation.
"No. We will always be friends." You reminded her. "It's Julian."
This made Caitlin pause on her work and look at you.
"Julian Albert?" Caitlin asked, sounding shocked.
"Yeah. Didn't I tell you I liked him?"
"Yes but I always thought you and Barry were going to be like a power couple together."
"No God no! He's like a brother to me! I just don't know how to tell Barry yet."
"I don't know how your going to do that either. But to save you trouble, I'm going to tell Cisco for you." She smiled and started walking out of the Med bay to find him.
"Fine! Just don't tell Barry and Iris. I'm telling Iris the next time I see her." You said, following her.

You then finally got focused on your work in your own office. You had some ideas on altering the future to save Iris, but it was hard.
"Hey Y/N." Iris walked into your office and peeked over your shoulder at your work.
"Hi Iris. Can I ask you something?" You asked her.
"How are you dealing with knowing your going to die in a year?" Iris had to think for a bit at your question as you continued to work.
"Life's got to end sometime? Right? I'm planning on spending the time I have left wisely with the people I love." Iris answered.
"Yeah. I'm going to miss you. Your my best friend!" You said, hugging her tightly. She hugged you back.
"Your not going to have to miss her! I think I found a way!" Barry interrupted. He explained to you his strategy. "Although it may not work... also Cisco said he's figuring out the arm thing and he'll work on this when he's done. He said it won't take long." Barry said.
"Wow! The plan sounds great and tell Cisco no rush." You said.

Later that night after work, Iris and Caitlin came over to your house to help you get ready for your date with Julian.
"Is Julian nice to you, Y/N?" Iris asked. She was looking through your closet for an outfit for you to wear.
"Of course he is! I wouldn't be dating him if he weren't." You answered.
"Okay. I just don't talk to him often as much as I see him so I was just wondering." Iris said, handing you a casual but fancy dress/outfit.
"Yeah. Not gonna lie but Julian always seems suspicious around me. Like he's up to something..." Caitlin voiced her opinion.
"I understand. I'm going to change now!" You said. You went into the washroom to change as Iris and Caitlin hung out in your room.

You came out looking stunning. Iris and Caitlin's jaws dropped as you walked out of the washroom.
"So..." You said, smiling.
"Y/N, you're gorgeous!" Iris and Caitlin said at the same time.
"Thank you! Your too kind!" You said. Caitlin made a hand signal, telling you to twirl. You did as she said and Iris whistled.
"Damn!" She said, hyping you up. The doorbell then rang.
"Go be amazing Y/N!" Caitlin said. They let you leave the house before they left so Julian didn't see them.

"You look beautiful Y/N." Julian complemented you, letting you in the passengers seat of the car.
"You look great too!" You complemented back. He wore an all black suit.
"So. You told me this was fancy. Where are we going to?" You asked as Julian started to drive.
"You'll see." He said.
"Question, why are you ridiculously nice to me but anyone else especially Barry your bitter." You asked another question.
"I have a weakness for people named "Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N"." He answered sweetly.
"Seriously, Julian!"
"I don't know... You don't annoy me twenty four-seven. Also your looks are phenomenal!" Julian said, parking the car. He got out and opened the door for you.
"I've never been here before." You said.
"Well your going to love it!" He assured you.

Once you got seated and ate. You talked about yourselves and had a blast. He payed for your meal even though you insisted. He drove you home and once you got in the driveway, you both didn't get out of the car for a few minutes.
"I had an amazing night with you, Y/N." Julian began.
"So did I. Thank you for everything, tonight." You said. You were about to open the door to let yourself out but he locked the door. "Julian?" You questioned. You turned to look at him and he kissed you quick and softly. You kissed him back the same way. He then unlocked the door and let you out.

You unlocked the door to your house and found Barry eating popcorn, watching The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and sipping wine.
"Hey Y/N! How did the date go?" Barry asked, pausing the show.
"How did you get into my house?" You questioned.
"I fazed through. Now how was the date with the big bad wolf."
"He's not a big bad wolf, Barry! It was amazing!" You said, dreamily.
"Was it now? I want to know what happened."
You told Barry every detail of the night. He had mixed facial expressions. Some surprised, neutral and sly. "That sounds lovely. I'm gonna get going. Goodnight Y/N." He gave you a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek in a friendly way and set off home.
"That didn't sound convincing but whatever." You said to yourself as you got ready for bed.

I Found My Word (Julian Albert and H.R Wells x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now