Chapter Sixteen - The Performance

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For what felt like a few seconds later, you had woken up. The scenery changed. You were in a fancy restaurant with many people gathered. You heard the noise of people chatting, eating, glasses clinking, and beautiful singing. You looked at the performer and it was Kara Danvers.
"Wow!" You whispered to yourself. You were in awe of her voice. To the left of you, a few feet away you saw a familiar looking man.

You ran up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Barry!" You said. He turned around and looked relieved.
"Y/N! Are you okay?" Barry asked you, putting his hands on each of your shoulders.
"I'm fine. You?" You asked him.
"A little shocked. Kara's voice is amazing!" Barry said.
"Indeed! We should talk to her once her song is done." You said. Barry nodded and looked back at the performance.
"My Huckleberry friend... And me..." She sang.

Once it was over, you headed straight to her all the way backstage. She immediately noticed you two.
"Barry and Y/N! Thank God it's you!" She gave you guys a warm and tight hug.
"You were amazing!" You and Barry complemented her. "And you look beautiful!" You added.
"Thanks! You guys look amazing too!"Kara said to you two. Kara was wearing a fancy-fifties-style black dress, Barry was wearing a modern-old suit and you were wearing a stunning modern-old purple dress suit like Barry but instead of a tie, there was just the collar.
"Anyway, what's going on?" Barry asked, changing the subject.
"I was hoping you could tell me or tell me why I just pulled off a singing performance." Kara replied, stunned.
"Maybe we're dreaming?" You suggested.
"The same dream?" Kara said.
"So your boyfriend brought you to our team." Barry explained.
"NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Kara said, loud and clearly. "He's just a boy who's not my friend. He's my nothing."
"He did mention you two kiss a lot!" You smirked and winked at her.
"Oh shush!" She said.
"Anyway, we just need to figure a way out." Barry changed the subject back.
"Should I click my heels together three times?" Kara joked.
"YES!" Barry replied. You rolled your eyes.
"I was kidding..."
"Alright well-" Barry started to say. He was then suddenly interrupted.
"That performance was crap!" A man walked in, shouting. "I hope you got better songs in your book, Blondie." He looked at Kara in disgust.
"Don't call me "Blondie"!" Kara shouted.
"Look, we don't know who you are but-" you started to speak. You were then interrupted by the man pointing a gun at your chest.
"Whoa..." Barry muttered, cautiously.
"Your going to have to excuse my friend, she/he/they don't think before they speak." Kara said, moving the gun point from you to the ground. You gave her a dirty look.
"I want nothing like I heard before! Something original." The man demanded to Kara and walked away.
"Oh my God!" You all said at the same time. Another man walked in, it was Mon-El.
"Mon-El! Your here too!" Kara exclaimed.
"Whoa whoa whoa! I'm not "Mon-El"." The man said. "Don't mess with The Cutta. You know why we call him "The Cutta"?" He asked you, Barry and Kara. You all shook your heads in response. "Because he likes to cut people." He replied, calmly. Another man came in, laughing.
"You ask me, I think he's all talk." It was Cisco. You were all now careful not ask if it were Cisco. You learned quickly not everyone is who they seem to be.
"It's like The Wizard of Oz. "And you were there! And you were there!"" Kara whisper-quoted to you and Barry.
"Yeah. They're all playing characters in a." Barry said. You and Kara the interrupted him,
"Where are we?" Kara asked, a little panicked.

I Found My Word (Julian Albert and H.R Wells x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now