An Uncertain Future

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"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try."- John F. Kennedy

Hours ticked by as Jackie and Bobby sat vigil with Jack, Jackie filling Bobby in on every detail of his awakening, relishing in the joy that no matter what the prognosis, he had woken up, he had come back to them. Except for a few mere grunts and moans, Jack slept through the night as he was heavily sedated to avoid any pain or strain to his already fragile state.

Bobby's efforts to convince Jackie to get sleep herself fell on deaf ear as she was completely unwilling to leave his side in the event he woke up again until the wee hours of the morning when exhaustion took over and she was no longer able to fight it. Drifting to sleep next to Jack, holding his hand, Jackie slept while Bobby sat next to his brother savoring the moment but worrying about the future.

Bobby knew, just as well as Jackie did, that there were high risks to Jack's future prognosis. The damage was significant, yes it was a miracle he had survived, but could Jack survive a future that could potentially involve not walking again, or being able to speak clearly should there be extensive damage to his vocal cords from the neck wound. What if he did have neurological damage that was irreversible? Would Jack be the same Jack that had ruled the free world the last thousand days or would his outcome mirror that of their father's, confined to a wheelchair, unable to speak, a result of a massive stroke? Bobby contemplated every scenario that Jackie was unwilling to face at the moment, the grim possibility that the Jack that had woken up, would not be the same Jack they knew prior to Dallas. Overcome with the mix of emotions his heart, mind and body were wrestling with, Bobby's head collapsed onto Jack's bed as tears flowed uncontrollably.

Hearing Bobby sniffle and feeling the shake of the bed as Bobby's body trembled from his sobbing, Jackie woke up thinking Jack had awoken once again only to find her beloved brother-in-law a mess of emotions. Immediately rising to go to Bobby's side, she wrapped her arms around his shoulder,

"Shhhh, Bobby, it's okay, he's going to be okay now," she tried to comfort.

Trying to compose himself, he sat up, turning to Jackie, "But what if he's not Jackie? What if,"

Jackie sternly interjected, "What if nothing Bobby! He's going to be fine! He's awake, he came back to us, I don't care about anything else except I have my husband and my children have their father still, that's all that matters right now."

Trying to not upset her, Bobby whispered, "Yes Jackie I know, it's a miracle and I'm not trying to upset you but we have to face the reality of what could be, Jack may not be the same Jack as he was seven days ago and we have to be prepared for it. Not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well, Jack might not be Jack anymore."

"No Bobby, I won't hear it! He's going to be fine and we're going to be here with him every minute, helping him, supporting him, doing whatever has to be done to get him through this, do you understand me Bobby? There will be NO negativity or thoughts of Jack not making a total and complete recovery, do I make myself clear?" She empathized.

Shaking his head as if in disagreement, Bobby uttered, "Yes Jackie, I understand and you know there is nothing I want more than my brother back, alive and healthy."

Stepping forward, Jackie wrapped her arms around Bobby's neck, "We have him back Bobby and I know he's going to fine, every ounce of me knows he's going to be just fine. I think you need to get some sleep," she suggested.

Shaking his head in agreement, Bobby replied, "Yes Jackie, I think you're right. I'm going to walk outside for a minute and see if I can get some coffee and maybe a room to lay down in for a couple hours. Please come get me immediately if he wakes up again." He kissed her cheek as he turned to leave.

End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now