Kennedy Magic

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The afternoon hours of November 24th had been filled with a roller coaster wave of emotions throughout the Fort Hood Military Hospital. Shock and dismay loomed as the president's alleged assassin succumbed to an assassin's bullet of his own. Lee Harvey Oswald died at 1:07 pm at Parkland Hospital trauma room 2, the same hospital the president had been taken too exactly 48 hours earlier. For the first time in the history of American television, a man had been shot and killed on live television. His murderer, Jack Ruby, a Dallas night club owner, claimed upon his arrest that he "Wanted to spare Mrs. Kennedy the trauma of having to come back to Dallas for a trial."

Oswald's murder sent Bobby ablaze with anger as he was now convinced that his brother's attempted assassination was part of a larger conspiracy. Determined to get to the truth, Bobby pulled all his resources with-in the Justice Department to look into Oswald, Ruby and their connection to organized crime and/or Russia. Not only did he want justice for his brother, he wanted to insure that if his brother survived, there wouldn't be another more successful attempt made.

Meanwhile, the president's team of doctors had concluded their evaluation and testing and were optimistic in their findings. Dr. Oldendorf prototype had shown that the bullet somehow miraculously missed severely damaging the president's brain. The trauma was severe but the damage was minimal. They hoped that his being in a coma was the brain's attempt to heal and protect itself from further trauma. There were still a hundred unanswered questions and until the president woke up, ninety-nine of them wouldn't and couldn't be answered but everyone was still remaining hopeful. Infection however, was still a major concern for his doctors and he was being monitored closely for any sign of fever or swelling in the brain.

As day once again turned into night, Jackie resumed her place at Jack's beside. His hand in her's again, Jackie continued her vigil and storytelling task.

"Bunny, can you hear me? Knowing you, you're listening to every word but being stubborn and not responding ay? Well, I hope you heard what those doctors told us and you listened to them tell us it's up to you to fight your way back to us. You got it Kennedy? You're in control like you always like to be so get to working. Work that Kennedy magic darling."

Giggling as she began to speak again, "Do you remember after we became engaged and were returning from that boring dinner party for some Massachusetts I don't even remember who and you decided to stop along that dark, unlit road that was towering with fichus hedges on one side next to the hill and attempt some of your Kennedy magic on me? You tried to be so slick and cool, parking there to "talk" and well, you know." Jackie blushed as she recalled the memory of that night. "You slowly made your way towards my side of the car, sliding across the bucket seat of that old Plymouth, rubbing my leg, trying to entice me succumb to your charm and irresistible sensuality. Your hand, deviously invading the orifice of my gown, creeping it's up my thigh as you began to nuzzle my neck. I never could resist you my love, still can't." She smiled! "I finally gave in, didn't I?" She blushed again. "But things didn't quite turn out as you planned, did they?" She shook her head as she began to recall the occurrences of that evening. "You had me right where you wanted huh, total control of the situation ay and me, as I lay there against the driver's door, my leg thrown over the seat, you on the floorboard about to send by body to heaven and my mind south when suddenly out of nowhere appeared that son of a bitch Morton Downy and his two bit friend and scared the shit out of us. Oh, I was so embarrassed and mad! I could have spit nails. You on the other hand, your explanation to him as to why you were down on the ground, was priceless, "We-uh-lost the cigarette lighter." She laughed, "As if he bought that crap? I'll never forget the sound of your head banging up against the steering wheel when I screamed in shock and fright. My only consolation was the ringing in his ear that he had for weeks afterwards from my piercing scream. Served him right, asshole!" She concluded in annoyance.

End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now