The Schedule- Oval Office

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November 20, 1963

Final preparations and planning were underway for the much anticipated trip to Texas.  The Presidents key advisers and assistants had gathered in the Oval to discuss the schedule and activities that would take place over the course of the next three days. Still reluctant to have such a whirlwind trip for Jackie's first domestic trip in 4 yrs, Jack was going over every detail of the schedule to ensure her enjoyment and comfort.

" Dave, the last thing I need is for Jackie to over do it and decide to not campaign with me again because your schedule exhausted her," Jack said firmly to Dave Powers his scheduling adviser. "She just had a baby three months ago, I don't intend for her to collapse on this trip, I won't have it! Find a way to do away with something damn it," he continued. 

"Mr. President," Dave interjected, there isn't much room for change if you plan to make the four stops and get maximum exposure and work the party. Everyone wants to see her, this is her first trip out with you in the States and there is a feeding frenzy for her appearance," Dave continued as he tried to calm the president and remind him why he was taking this trip to begin with.

"I don't want excuses Dave, I know why the hell I'm taking this damn trip and I want Jackie with me in '64 and this schedule is going to scare the hell out of her, fix it!" He commanded. 

"Yes sir, I understand," Dave responded, "How about we take her appearance out of the breakfast in Fort Worth so she can rest before the flight to Dallas?"

"Do what you need to do Dave but make something happen!" Jack howled.

Vice-President Lyndon Johnson had been hovering around listening to the exchange between Dave and the President and suddenly interrupted, "Mr. President, I just wish you didn't have to go down there to deal with these issues. I'm sorry, you're having to put Jackie through this," he humbly said.

"It's OK Lyndon, it'll do us some good to get out there and start this campaign early and get those Senators speaking our tune. You just keep your cool and for God's sake, don't start any shit with Yarborough. We can't keep having these issues with-in the party or we'll never carry Texas in '64," the President replied.

"Yes sir, I will do everything I can for you and the party. I'm embarrassed by the state of my home state."

"Every well Lyndon, thank you!" The President acknowledged. 

"Lady Bird and I are very honored to have you and Jackie at the ranch for some R&R afterwards sir, I'm glad you all are coming," Lyndon continued.

"We appreciate the hospitality Lyndon, Jackie is looking forward to riding some of your fine horses," Jack cordially replied. 

"Mr. President," Kenny O'Donnell interrupted, "The Attorney General is here for your appointment sir."

"Bring him in," Jack replied.

Throwing his usual daggers at the Vice President, Bobby entered and greeted everyone with a generic "Gentlemen," while nodding his head.

"Bobby, we were just going over the schedule for Texas, would you like to voice your opinion of  my trying to limit some of Jackie's schedule so as not to overwhelm her on her first trip out," Jack snarled as he greeted Bobby.

"Mr. President, she can handle whatever you throw at her, have you not learned that yet?" Bobby arrogantly replied with a sense of satisfactions that he had more confidence in Jackie than Jack did.

"It's not that she can't handle it Bob, it's that I don't intend to scare her off of campaigning before the campaign ever started," Jack howled back. 

"Dave, the schedule please," Jack asked.

Looking over the schedule again, Jack began reciting the vigorous plan that lay ahead the next two days.

"Friday, leave White House at 10 am for San Antonio. Arrive 130 pm for motorcade and Aerospace Center visit. Leave San Antonio for Houston at 330 pm. Arrive Houston and get ready for LULAC Dinner. Attend LULAC dinner then Congressman's Thomas' dinner. After his dinner, leave Houston for Fort Worth. Arrive Ft. Worth and maybe sleep for 5 hours and I have to speak outside the hotel before the breakfast, then breakfast at 845 am and blah blah blah, leave for Dallas. Motorcade through Dallas to the Trade Mart luncheon then off to Austin for the Texas Congressional Delegation and State Executive Committee reception. After the Congressional reception it's off to the Governor's mansion for his reception and then the Coliseum for fundraiser dinner," Jack finally finished and exclaimed, "I'm tired just reading this, what the hell do you think is going to happen to Jackie?" 

"Mr. President," Dave began, I realize your concern for Jackie's well being but there really is nothing we can cut out except her appearance at the breakfast in Fort Worth without completely upsetting some group at her not being there." 

"Jack, I think she'll do fine, just let her know the schedule so she can prepare," Bobby interjected as the voice of reason.

"Fine," Jack grumbled back! "I'll talk to her, but it's on each and everyone of you if she tell us to screw ourselves come the '64 campaign. Then I will hold each of you responsible for it! Understood?" Jack stated with aggravation. "Now get the hell out of here, I have work to do," Jack continued with spite in his voice. 

"Thank you sir," was all Dave could muster as he, Kenny, Bobby, Lyndon and the rest of the bystanders exited the Oval.

End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now