Brothers in Arms

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The stillness of the night gave way to a gurney, a doctor and a brother as Bobby looked up to see Jack being gently removed from the oversized military chopper. The world came to a halt as Bobby laid eyes upon his fallen brother for the first time. A low gasp escaped his trembling lips as he was finally confronted with what he could only imagine over the last 9 plus hours. The vision of his brother, his hero, his best friends, lying on the cold gurney, draped in an old hospital gown, covered with a white sheet and tan blanket, motionless as if frozen in time sent chills down his spine. For the first time since receiving the call from J. Edgar Hoover about Jack being shot, Bobby shed a solitary tear. 

Time appeared to stand still as Bobby stood motionless, as if in a trance, staring at his brother.

A brother's loyalty can only be measured by the actions of love expressed during ones weakest moment. 

FLASHBACK- Tokyo, 1951- The trip that cemented a life-long, unbreakable bond. 

"Jack Kennedy, Kennedy's don't quit and you're not going to quit on me. You fight damn it, you fight!" Bobby yelled at his brother in prayer as the priest read the last rites of the church to Jack who lay comatose on a dreary Tokyo hospital bed. "You fight Jack, I'm not leaving your side until you come back to me, you hear?" Bobby continued.

As doctors advised Bobby that his brother's condition was grave and he had little chance of survival, Bobby refused to accept defeat much less, his brothers death.

"I'm taking him out of here and getting him the treatment he needs," Bobby screeched at the doctors in that antiquated Tokyo hospital as he took command of Jack and the situation. Pulling every string he and his family could pull, Bobby arranged for Jack to be transferred to an American military hospital in Okinawa. 

As Jack began to regain consciences, his 107 degree fever finally coming down, Bobby sat at Jack's bedside, talking to his brothers, praying for his brother, being his brothers voice when he had none. They were brother's and Bobby would be Jack's strength in his weakest hours.

"Kennedy's don't quit!" Bobby mumbled as he stood frozen on the tarmac.

"Kennedy's don't quit!" Bobby mumbled as he stood frozen on the tarmac

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FLASHBACK- Senate Rackets Committee Hearings, 1957

"Mr. Hoffa, it is beyond comprehension that you can't remember this. You've had the worst case of amnesia the last two days I ever heard of," Bobby spat sarcastically. 

"Don't let him off the hook Bobby, don't quit, Kennedy's don't quit," Jack whispered to Bobby as the brothers went toe to toe with the mob boss trying to bring down organized crime. 

"Kennedy's don't quit!" Bobby mumbled as Jack was carried from the chopper to the ambulance

"Kennedy's don't quit!" Bobby mumbled as Jack was carried from the chopper to the ambulance

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End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now