Hope and Deceit

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"Knowledge of the oceans is more than a matter of curiosity. Our very survival may hinge upon it." - JFK 1961

Jackie laid on the small sofa at the end of Jack's room, a cold rag on her head with Bobby sitting on a chair between her and Jack's bed, switching his gaze between his brother, who's future was still so uncertain and his sister-in-law who he knew was at her breaking point, over burden with the stresses that the last seven days had presented and pregnant with what could only be deemed a true miracle.

Shuffling slightly, Jackie faintly whispered, "Jack!" Opening her eyes, she began to sit up, "What happened?" She continued as Bobby put his hand on her arm, trying to keep her getting up.

"Bobby, what happened?" She questioned.

"You passed out Jackie, collapsed! I caught you before you hit the ground, but your head still took a pretty big hit against the wall. Please Jackie, don't get up, you need to get some rest!" Bobby stood up, changing his seat from the chair to the corner of the couch where Jackie laid.

"But Jack, how's Jack?" She fussed, continuing to try and sit up, the cold rag falling onto her chest, startling her.

"He's fine, Jackie, he's still sleeping! Please Jackie, you have got to get some rest! This is not doing you, Jack, or the baby any good! If I hadn't caught you, you and Jack would have side by side beds with matching head bandages. Jackie, you have got to take care of yourself!" He sniffled, trying to not become overly emotional. His own emotions barely being able to be contained any longer.

"I know Bobby and I have been, but Jack needs me right now and I've got to be there for him! He's awake Bobby, it's a miracle and now we must help him get better. I don't have time to worry about myself right now, I have to be there for Jack."

"And what about the baby Jackie? What good to Jack are you going to be if something happens to the baby or worse, something happens to you? He's going to be a father again and he doesn't even know it yet. How do I explain that to him Jackie?"

"I'm just so scared Bobby," tears swelling in her eyes, "I have to be strong for him Bobby! You heard what the doctors said. My God Bobby, what if Jack never walks again? What if the damage to his brain takes him away from us again? I can't handle that Bobby!" She collapsed into his arms sobbing.

"Sssshhhhh, Jackie, please calm down." Rubbing her back, " I know you're scared, so am I but we're going to get through this. Jack is a fighter! Look how hard he's fought to come back to us, he's going to fight this obstacle as well. I can't let myself believe that God would bring him back to us just for us to lose him to him not being himself. I've already started calling every specialist in every field he's going to need. We have a room for him at the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Washington. I'm hoping that since we share the same name, we'll share the same drive for success," Bobby chuckled trying to lighten the mood a bit, "It's one of the best and one of the closest," he continued gathering no response from Jackie. "Dr. Burkley is arranging his transfer back East. They said we should be able to transport him in a couple of days, they just need to monitor the swelling in his brain a little longer to ensure no issues with the altitude changes. Johnson offered to send Air Force One to take him back but we need a smaller plane that can fly at a lower altitude to alleviate as much additional pressure as possible so The Caroline will be here tomorrow on standby! We're going home Jackie," he sighed.

Having been staring at Bobby as is she was looking through him and not at him, Jackie blinked rapidly, shaking her head, trying to absorb everything Bobby just said, seemingly lost in his words then suddenly wrapped her arms around him neck, exclaiming, "What would I do without you Bobby, what would Jack and I ever do without you?" She gushed! "I....I....," she stuttered, "I can't believe you arranged all that while I laid here like some sleeping beauty," she chuckled softly, a few stray tears escaping her eyes."

"You were a sleeping beauty," Bobby whispered, gently drying her tears with his thumbs, "And it's time this sleeping beauty got some food and more rest so she can be strong and healthy for her Prince Charming," he smiled.

"He will be okay, won't he," she questioned?

"Jackie, if I know my brother and I know you, the devil doesn't stand a chance in a fight against the both of you. Together, you can do anything and I know you'll push my brother to his breaking point until you get what you want, so no, I have no doubt he'll be okay." He grinned, holding back the tears that threatened to break his iron façade.

"Now, if you'll excuse me for a minute, I'm going to gather some food up for you, you're going to eat every last bite then you are going to get some more rest, understood?" Bobby declared sternly.

"Understood," Jackie shock her head in agreement. "If the General will allow, I would like to sit with my husband for a while?" She pouched her lips and batted her wide eyes at him.

"Only until I get back and you finish eating, then you're getting some rest Mr. Kennedy, doctors' orders!"

Having agreed to his terms, Jackie rose from the sofa, kissed Bobby softly on his cheek and made her way towards Jack's bedside once again.

Exiting the room, heading towards the nurse's station in hopes of tracking down a late lunch for him and Jackie, Bobby bowed his head as he reached the counter and prayed,

"Dear Heavenly Father, please forgive me for I have sinned. I promised a wife and a mother something I'm not fully sure my own self will be true but if there is anything left that I can do to protect my brother, I have to protect his wife and unborn child. Father, I ask your strength, your guidance, and your mercy as the biggest fight of our lives is upon us. Please Father, shine your light upon us and help me help Jack and Jackie. Forgive me for deceiving her by omitting truths that will only cause her more pain and suffering right now and for betraying my own knowledge in praying for something that I know has a much higher price than that which we have already paid. In your Holly Name, I pray, Amen!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now