John's 3rd Birthday

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Monday, November 25th, 1963 had been declared a National Day of Prayer by Vice-President Lyndon Johnson in his first order of business as "Acting President." The Vice-President urged all Americans to observe a moment of silence in prayer for their fallen leader. Organized vigils across the country would be held in the president's honor as well as a military procession from the White House to St. Matthews Cathedral for a High Mass lead by the Archbishop of Boston, Richard Cardinal Cushing.

Jackie had agreed to return to Washington for the mass once reassured by the president's doctors that he was in stable condition. Although appreciative of the gestures being made in the president's honor, Jackie's decision to return to Washington was more personal than dutiful, she and Jack had promised their son that they would be home for his 3rd birthday. Sadly, Jack would be unable to keep that promise so Jackie made a point of being there for their son and their other two children.

As she prepared to depart Fort Hood for the 3 hour trip back to Washington, Jackie spent a few last minutes with Jack telling him of her plans and reassuring him that Teddy and Joan as well as Jean and Pat would be there with him while she was gone.

"Jack darling, I'm going back to Washington but just for the day. I promise I'll be back later tonight and we'll continue our stories, okay?" She consoled him. "We promised John that we would be there for his birthday and I know you wouldn't want me to let him down. It's not going to be the same without you there my love but you're going to get better and stronger and we'll have many, many more birthdays to celebrate together when you wake up," tears began to swell in her eyes again. "Teddy and Joan are going to stay here with you and Jean and Pat will be coming back as well okay, so you keep on fighting your way back to us my love. I love you Bunny, I'll see you soon."

Leaning over the bed rail to kiss him goodbye, Jackie suddenly became light headed, nearly collapsing into Bobby's arms.

"Jackie," Bobby hollered, "Are you okay?" He questioned with concern. "Ya, Ya, I'm fine. Just a little lightheaded that's all." She replied.

"Jackie, you've got to get some rest," Bobby spoke sternly. "You're barely eating, you're not sleeping properly, your stress level is maxed out and now this. What's it going to take, us sedating you again before you completely collapse?"

"I'll be fine once Jack is awake," Jackie responded in annoyance. "I'll sleep some on the plane and I'll be fine Bobby!"

"Promise me you'll at least go see Dr. Travell while we're in Washington and let her check you out and give you something to help you sleep and relax some?"

"Bobby, I'm fine," Jackie argued back.

"Jackie, please, if not for me or you, for Jack. He's going to need all your strength, physically and mentally when he wakes up." Bobby pleaded.

'Okay Bobby, I promise." Jackie conceded.


Arriving back at the White House just before 11 a.m., Jackie was greeted by the White House staff all expressing their prayers and concern for the president. As she made her way to the residence, she was informed that the children would arrive back from Virginia at 1130 a.m. in time to make it to the Capital for the procession.

"Why the hell are they not here now?" Jackie angrily spat out. "I believe I made myself pretty damn clear with everyone that I wanted my children here when I returned home." She continued in her rage.

"Mrs. Kennedy," Clint Hill attempted to mitigate the situation, "I apologize for not relaying the delay to you previously. I received word while in flight from Texas that Patrick was being slightly fussy which delayed their departure from your mother's residence. You were sleeping and I didn't want to disturb you. I do apologize for forgetting to tell you once we landed."

End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now