Preparing for Texas

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The Residence November 20, 1963

The cool, brisk November air had blanketed over Washington, DC. The city night was eerily quiet as the White House lights illuminated Pennsylvania Avenue. All the working staff of the West Wing had retired for the evening and the President had made his way back to the residence to spend some quality time with his children before his trip to Texas and seduce his wife into going along with the vigorous schedule that had been planned for them.

As the elevator doors opened to the 2nd floor hallway, the stampede of children running could be heard across the entire residence.

"Daddy's home," Caroline screeched with excitement as she ran up to her father reaching up to grab his neck for a tight hug.

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy," John hollered jumping up and down trying to gain his father's attention.

"Hello Buttons," Jack grinned as he reached down to embrace his daughter. "Sam, what are you doing bouncing like a kangaroo," Jack continued as he teased his son.

"I not a Kam-ga-roo," John giggled, "and my name is John! NOT Sam," he frowned back.

"I'm so sorry Sam, the way you were bouncing I just assumed you were a kangaroo, my apologies," Jack exclaimed.

"John, John, John," John huffed as he frowned at his father, squinting his eyes and brows in frustration, "I'm not Sam!"

Rolling with laughter, Jack finally gave into his sons frustration, "OK, JOHN, hello," He laughed.

As both children grabbed their father's hand to lead him into the west sitting area, Jack questioned, "Where's your mother?"

"In her room with Ms. Provi," Caroline answered, "They are finishing packing mummies clothes for your trip," Caroline continued.

"Yes, our trip," Jack sighed, "Has she packed her whole closet yet," Jack asked with a chuckle.

"No, daddy, she can't take her whole closet with her, the plane isn't big enough," Caroline laughed as she saw her mother walk in through the corner of her eye.

"Alright you two," Jackie exclaimed as she entered the sitting room, "You think you're very funny don't you, ha ha ha," Jackie continued as she made her way towards her husband and children. "Maybe the two of you should start you're own comedy show, the President and First Daughter comedy hour," Jackie quipped leaning in to kiss her husband hello.

"Ewwwww," John squealed covering his eyes as his parents kissed each other.

Both smiling as their lips departed one and other, Jack grabbed Caroline's waist, who was standing on the couch next to him, bringing her closer into him, 'I think we would make a great comedy team," he retorted smiling at his daughter and winking at his wife.

"Yes, you would," Jackie replied as she poked her daughter's belly and laughed.

"What about meeeeee," John frowned, pouching out his lower lip.

"You too John," Jackie smiled as she grabbed her son and swung him around. "You and I can have our own comedy show. The Mummy and Sam show," she giggled.

Squalling with delight, John barely realized that his mother had just called him Sam like his father always teased him.

After a couple of hours of family giggles, silly stories, dinner and a family shared bowl of ice cream, it was the children's bedtime.

As Jack and Jackie walked their children to their rooms to settle them down for the night, John looked up and exclaimed, "It's my birthday in 5 days," holding his little hand up with all 5 fingers up." "Yes it is John," Jackie replied "And how old will you be?"

End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now