One Last Night

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Houston LULAC reception 

Existing the master suite in an all-black velvet dress, her signature three-strand pearl necklace and satin shoes, the First Lady looked stunning as she greeted the President and his entourage in the suites living-room. Unable to contain his admiration, Jack allowed a loud wolf whistle to escape his lips as he walked towards his wife, extended his arm for her to take and whispered, "You look amazing."

As the First Couple stepped through the doors of the reception room at the Rice Hotel the entire room went to their feet cheering and hollering as the mariachi band played in the background. Taking their seats along the  front of the room near the band, the President, First Lady, Vice President Johnson and Lady Bird as well and Governor and Mrs. Connally greeted members of  The League of United Latin American Citizens. This visit would mark the first time an American President appeared before a Latino organization and the Hispanic community was honored and proud to welcome the Kennedy's. 

As the crowd continued to cheer and members of the organization made their way towards the official party, Jack leaned into Jackie and whispered "I think they like you." Smiling broadly at her husband Jackie replied, "Oh Jack, I hardly think this is all for me." "I wouldn't be too certain of that," he retorted as well wishers made their way to them. 

Taking the stage for a brief speech geared towards developing Mexican-American relations and gaining their vote and support for the upcoming election, the President spoke briefly about the Alliance for Progress before introducing his wife so that his "words could be made clearer." 

Beaming with pride as Jackie stepped up to the podium to deliver her short speech in Spanish to the enthusiastic crowd, Jack and Jackie shared a quick smile at one another before she began;

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Beaming with pride as Jackie stepped up to the podium to deliver her short speech in Spanish to the enthusiastic crowd, Jack and Jackie shared a quick smile at one another before she began;

"Estoy muy contenta de estar en el gran estado de Texas y estoy especialmente contenta de estar con ustedes, que forman parte de la gran tradición española, que tanto ha contribuido a Texas. Esta tradición comenzó cien años antes de la colonización de Massachusetts, el estado de mi marido, pero es una tradición que hoy está viva y enérgica. Estás trabajando para Texas y los Estados Unidos. Gracias a ti y viva la LULAC!"

Standing behind her as she spoke fluent Spanish, all Jack could think of was how incredibly proud he was to be her husband and how much he adored her. 

"How did I ever get so lucky and why was I so stupid for so long. Never again will she doubt how much she means to me and how important she is to me and this country." 

Stepping away from the podium to take their seats again at the conclusion of her speech, Jack gently caressed her arm as he mouthed "You were amazing." 

Vice President Johnson then stepped up to the podium for a few quick words but his words were no match to what the audience had just been privileged with. Jackie was definitely the hit of the evening. 

While the guest book was passed around for signing and the mariachi band began to play again, Jack couldn't help but catch himself staring at Jackie. All he kept thinking about was how to get through the rest of the evening so he could be alone with his wife. 

End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now