San Antonio Bound

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Air Force One

As Air Force One climbed to its cruising altitude of 36,000 ft. for the 3.5 hr. trip from D.C to San Antonio International Airport, the President and First Lady settled into their seats each attending to various matters at hand prior to their world wind tour of Texas. The President conferenced with advisers while the First Lady looked over the schedule, caught up on some correspondence and relaxed with a good book.

The President and his advisers had just exited the small Presidential bedroom where they had been conferencing when he noticed Jackie sitting on the small couch in the stateroom with her feet propped up reading a book. Momentarily looking up from her book, she and Jack made eye contact. A faint smile came across her lips as he winked at her and took a seat at his desk to the left of her.

Resuming her reading, she kept to herself as the President continued to conference with various advisers, staff and other personnel that were piling in and out of the stateroom. As Jack sat there conversing with the various people, he kept finding his eyes and his mind wondering over towards Jackie. The way she sat there, so beautiful and relaxed, he just couldn't get enough of her. As much as he tried, he couldn't keep himself from practically staring at her when Kenny O'Donnell at one point interrupted his thoughts with "Sir, did you hear me" as he noticed the President's faraway look and turned to notice just where his bosses eyes were placed.

Clearing his throat, Jack replied, "Yes, Kenny, continue" all the while continuing to look over at Jackie. Looking up from her book, Jackie could feel Jack's eyes upon her as she heard the exchange between him and Kenny. Giggling to herself, she pretended not to notice Jack's stare, instead just stirring a little in her seat making her appear all the more enticing to her husband that was clearly lusting for her.

Unable to concentrate, Jack suddenly sprang to his feet, "Gentlemen, will you excuse me please," he commanded as he motioned for them to exit the stateroom.

Stunned at the Presidents sudden eagerness for them to leave, Kenny, Larry and Dave looked at each other with some puzzlement and in unison responded "Yes sir!"

Taking the 3 steps to the couch towards Jackie, Jack leaned over and whispered, "Would you come with me please?" Avoiding contact with Jack's eyes, Jackie kept looking at her book only barely lifting her eyes towards him, "I suppose so," she grinned.

Larry, Dave and Kenny had barley walked out of the stateroom when they saw the President walk towards Jackie and whisper in her ear, looked at each other and smiled half knowing why they were so abruptly excused.

As Jackie rose from the couch, Jack motioned with his head for her to follow him into their private bedroom.

Upon entering the room, Jackie began, "Yes Jack, what do you...," pushing the door closed behind her, Jack suddenly jerked her by the waist and interrupted her question by slamming his lips onto hers for a breathtakingly passionate kiss. Intertwined in each other's arms, they finally broke away from each other to regain their breath. "I'm sorry," Jack whispered as he continued to softly kiss her lips, "I just couldn't take it anymore," he continued. "You just looked so amazingly beautiful sitting there and all I could think of was wanting to hold you and smell you and kiss you and well," he giggled as he slyly grinned at her.

"Jack," she whispered, her head falling backwards as he continued kissing her neck, "We can't," she giggled, "We're thousands of feet in the air, we'll be landing soon and," she moaned as his lips tickled her skin, "you're too loud for this little room," she laughed.

"I don't care," he grunted still trying to seduce his wife, "We'll join the mile-high club," he grinned. "I've always wanted to make love to you in this plane as we jetted across the country," he continued pulling her torso into his as he cupped her bottom cheeks in his hands. Suddenly, the plane jolted sending them both crashing onto the bed. In a roar of laughter Jack announced, "See, even the heavens are telling me to get you into bed."

Laughing and giggling, the couple lay there for a few minutes just enjoying themselves and the last few minutes of alone time they would have prior to their tour of Texas. Jack soaked up Jackie's sweet scent of Channel #5 and Jackie relished in Jack's love. "So this is what I have to look forward to campaigning with you, is it?" She giggled. "Oh yes," he replied "and much, much more," he whispered.

"You can't possibly know what having you here with me mean to me, Jackie," he stated looking deep into her eyes. "I know the sacrifice you're making for me and the sacrifices you've always made for me and my career and I don't think I'll ever be able to make it all up to you. I was a fool for so long and took so much for granted and I'm not wasting a single minute of showing and proving to you how much I love you and how incredibly proud I am to have you as my wife and the mother of my children. I want you to know, win or lose in '64, I have everything I've ever wanted or needed right here in my arms even though I might not have always known it or shown it for that matter."

"Oh, Jack," Jackie chocked up a little," I love you so much, these have truly been our happiest years. I don't know why I was always so scared to be in the White House, now, I feel like I don't ever want to leave. Maybe they'll let you stay President forever," she laughed.

"Oh God no! Eight years is enough of this place," Jack exclaimed. "I couldn't take it any longer. I'm ready to just be Jack, father and husband with no other cares or concerns. Time for me to dedicate my life to my family and not the world at hand. Four more years is all I need."

"I don't believe the world could be safe in anyone else's hands but yours, darling," Jackie replied, "But nothing could make me happier than having you all to ourselves." Leaning in and kissing one and other, a knock came on the door, "Mr. President, we shall be landing in 5 minutes, please secure your seats in preparation for our landing," a stewardess pronounced.

"Very well, thank you," Jack replied. "So much for joining the mile-high club," Jack sulked as he inhaled a long deep breath of Jackie's scent and kissed her passionately one last time. "I guess you need to put yourself back together again," he laughed, "I think I messed up your hair."

Sitting up to look into the mirror Jackie gasped, "Jack, I look a mess! Now what do I do?"

"You look amazing my darling, Texas will love you. No need to worry," Jack replied.

"You'll pay for this later," Jackie shot back as she quickly grabbed the brush and tried to put her hair back into some resemblance of order.

Exiting the bedroom, Jack straightened his tie, ran his hand through his hair and proceeded back towards the stateroom to take his seat for the landing. Jackie followed as she patted her white Channel dress down and took a last quick glance in the mirror.

Taking her seat next to the President, those around them couldn't help but notice the intimate looks being shared between the two nor the fact that neither existed the room looking the same way they entered. A new found closeness and intimacy could be felt by all that observed them and each smiled a little inside knowing the First Couple had finally found their way into each other's heart completely.

As Air Force One made its final descent into San Antonio, the anticipation and excitement of what lay ahead could be felt by all but little did they know, life was about to change forever.

End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now