One Brief Shining Moment

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The night had been long as Jackie sat staring at Jack for signs that she hadn't imagined his fingers move as they lightly brushed her lips. Exhaustion and anxiety had her questioning what appeared to be real as imagined and what appeared to be true as wishful thinking. She feared telling Bobby and Jack's team of doctors thinking they would assume her to have finally cracked under the pressures of the previous seven days.

Seven days had now past since her life was turned upside down. Seven days that had felt like a hundred years was starting to take its toll on her. Her eyes, deep with exhaustion and fatigue. Her skin, pale and dry from the lack of sun and proper moisturizing. Her hair, if only Kenneth saw her now, he would gasp at the rat's nest that had become of it. Her famous Ole Cassini attire had been replaced with a collection of wrinkled slacks and over-sized sweaters she now wore around Jack's hospital room as she paced the floors praying for a miracle. Her body, the aches from days of sleeping on a makeshift chair-bed were now causing her to moan and grunt with every move. Her heart, shattered and hurting for the longing of her beloved husband's touch, voice and gentle caress.

Jackie sat motionless next to Jack, praying for a sign that she had not dreamt feeling Jack's touch upon her lips. "Jack darling, please tell me I'm not losing my mind, please give me a sign that you're in there, hearing me, listening to me and fighting your way back to me. I don't know how much longer I can keep up this brave face Jack. I need your strength Jack," Jackie whispered. "Just a little sign, Jack. Move your fingers again for me Jack, please my love, just a little."

"Jackie," a whispered voice came from behind her, startling her, "Jackie, what do you mean move your fingers again" the now familiar voice grew louder as Jackie turned to find Bobby standing behind her.

"Bobby, you nearly caused me a fright, why are you sneaking around here at this time of the morning," she demanded!

"I'm sorry Jackie, I couldn't sleep, I don't know, I just kept tossing and turning so I decided to come on up and sit with Jack some. I thought you'd still be asleep. I didn't mean to frighten you but what did you mean by "move your fingers again?" Jackie, did Jack do something, is he waking up?" Bobby rambled as he was trying to get answers from Jackie.

"I don't know Bobby; I don't know any more what's real and what's not. Last night I was talking to Jack and I told him about the baby and began to cry. I laid my head down next to his hand and I swear Bobby, his fingers moved and touched my lips. I jumped up and have been sitting here ever since begging him to move his fingers again. I don't know Bobby; I don't know if it was real or I just willed it to be. I feel as if I'm losing my mind Bobby and I'm most certain you would agree with me at this point," Jackie responded half hysterical.

"Now, now Jackie, please don't get yourself worked up like this, it's not good for you or the baby," Bobby tried to calm her. It's perfectly natural for you to feel this way. Hell Jackie, I have dreams that are so real about Jack that I wake up in cold sweats not knowing at first if it was real or not. That's what lead me here this morning so early. I couldn't sleep because I kept hearing Jack call me. I heard him Jackie, I heard him tell me to come get him, that he was ready to go home. I panicked, my first thought was he was ready to leave us and go home, you know, to heaven but then I heard you say that he moved his fingers and Jackie, I swear now Jack was telling me to come get him and take him home. I know that sounds insane Jackie, but I think it's time we take Jack home."

'But, but," Jackie stuttered, "Jack isn't strong enough to make the trip, is he?" She questioned.

'I don't know Jackie; all we can do is meet with his team and ask. His fever has broken, the infection seems to have cleared up and they said the pressure in his brain is minimal, so maybe now is the time?" Bobby hesitated.

End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now