Life for a Life

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Hours had passed and Jackie had not allowed anyone back into the room except for the nurses on duty that would come in every 30 minutes to monitor Jack's fever and other vitals. The longer his high fever lasted the more dangerous it would be for him and the greater the chance that we wouldn't be able to wake up from his coma. 

Determined to prove the doctors and Bobby for that matter wrong, Jackie vowed to sit vigil at Jack's bedside until his fever broke or he woke up. Transmitting all her strength and will for him to live, Jackie resumed her story telling and reminiscing with Jack. 

"You know darling, all of them, including Bobby are telling me I need to prepare to lose you, I need to call in the priest to administer the Last Rites, I need to do this or that or something else and frankly darling, I've told them all to kiss my ass because they don't know how hard I'll fight to keep you and how hard I know you'll fight to come back to me. Bunny, we've come too far to not spend the rest of our lives together. Baby, I need you, the kids need you, your family needs you and this country needs you darling. Please Bunny, please fight your way back to us." With tears streaming down her cheeks, Jackie nestled her head next to Jacks thigh, "Jack darling, I would rather lose my life than spend the rest of it without you. I can't do this on my own Jack, so you need to wake up and you need to be here for me and for our children Jack. Do you hear me Jack," her voice getting louder as she practically screamed at him, "Jack, wake up damn it, wake up." 

"Mrs. Kennedy, is everything alright," a nurse inquired as she burst through the door overhearing Jackie's raised voice.

"Yes, I'm sorry, it's fine. Thank you." Jackie replied apologetically. 

"I'm sorry darling, I shouldn't have yelled like that," Jackie returned to talking to Jack

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"I'm sorry darling, I shouldn't have yelled like that," Jackie returned to talking to Jack. "I'm just so scared Bunny, I can't stand this helpless feeling. I can't stand not being able to help you and make you better. I miss you so much Bunny, the kids miss you. Caroline sent you extra special Button kisses just for daddy to make him all better and John sent this American flag for you." She laid the flag on his chest.  "He asked for it especially for you during yesterday's High Mass in your honor. You should have seen them Jack, you would have been so proud of them. Caroline was my little helper, she held my hand and every time she felt me breaking down, she would tell me, "It's okay mummy, daddy is going to be okay mummy, don't cry mummy," and little John, oh little John, Jack, he was a true little soldier yesterday. As the procession passed with your presidential flag and Haul to the Chief began to play, little John saluted your flag just as all the military honor guards were doing. Oh Jack, he was perfect, the perfect tribute to his daddy. You would have been so proud Jack, a true little soldier. Oh Jack!" Jackie concluded as she buried her face into Jack's side sobbing. 


As the tik-tok of the clock neared 4 a.m., Bobby softly knocked on the door as he quietly crept into Jack's room. Tip-toeing to Jack's bed side so as not to awake Jackie, who had fallen asleep at the end of Jack's bed, Bobby stood in silence as he prayed over his brother. Unable to control his sobs, Jackie was awakened and startled to see Bobby on his knees at Jack's bedside crying uncontrollably, his head in his hands.

End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now