Fort Worth

854 13 4

November 22, 1963

A dreary mist of rain hoovered over Fort Worth the early morning hours of Friday, November 22, 1963. As hundred gathered outside the Hotel Texas, the President and First Lady enjoyed their last few minutes of sleep before the duties of campaigning would engulf their day once again. Hearing the muffled cheers and chants from the streets below, Jackie began to awake from the noise transmitting from 8 stories below. 

"Jack, Jack, wake up," Jackie began as she nudged her husband trying to wake him up, "Do you hear that? What's all that noise?" 

Attempting to make sense of what Jackie was saying, Jack awkwardly sat up in the bed rubbing his eyes and stretching his arms up above his head, "Jackie, what time is it," he asked looking around for a clock. "I don't know but can you hear that," Jackie questioned. 

"Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jack, Jack, Jack," could be heard coming from out the window.

Still slightly dark outside as he tried to gain his senses, Jack got up from the bed and walked to the window where the noise was coming from. Looking down at the street below, he exclaimed, "My God, Jackie look at all the people down there. What the hell are they doing out there at this hour?" 

"You tell me Mr. President, you're the resident campaign expert," she teased. 

"Good God, I didn't think anyone would be awake this morning after the reception we received last night. This is crazy," he smiled.

Turning to Jackie, he reached for her hand and said, "You know, none of this would be possible if it wasn't for you being here. These people are out there because of you. Only a fraction are here for me, the rest my darling are here to see you. You've taken this country by storm and they can't get enough of you," he smiled "and neither can I for that matter," he continued as he brought her in for a tender kiss.

Blushing, Jackie just smiled at Jack as she relished the sweetness of his kiss and warm embrace.

"I guess we need to start getting ready," she said breaking the silence.

"No, you stay and rest this morning. I'll handle the breakfast. I want you at 100% for Dallas. You know, we're about to enter nut country," he exclaimed.
"What do you mean by that," Jackie questioned?
"Dallas darling, they are a bunch of lunatics and we have to be prepared"
"Oh great! Thanks for the warning, I can't wait," Jackie responded sarcastically. "So does that mean the bubble top stays on," Jackie inquired.
"Only if the rain persist," Jack replied.
"But Jack, I'll be blown all over the place with it off, you want me to look my best but I'll end up looking an absolute mess with all that wind blowing."
"I want them to see you darling. Make them drool! The bubble top hides us and we've come here for the people to see us and that's exactly what they'll get. Their President and his First Lady."

"Well than I hope it keeps raining," Jackie hissed back. "It'll be fine darling," Jack replied as a knock came to the door.

"Mr. President," Dave Powers hollered, "its 630 am, you need to be downstairs at 8 sir." 

"Thank you Dave, I'll be out shortly," Jack replied.

Following Jack into the bathroom as he began to get into a quick shower, Jackie asked, "What's at 8? I thought the breakfast was at 9?" 

"It is, but I'm going down to make a quick speech to all those people lined up outside below our window, you can watch from up here if you'd like," he smiled as he jumped into the shower, "want to join me," he smirked devilishly as he nodded towards the shower. 

"I don't think so Jack," Jackie rebutted, "You'd never make it in time for your silly speech or the breakfast."

While the President showered, their suite began to fill with assistants and advisers all needing a minute of someone's time for one thing or another.

End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now